Library Policies

Photo by Granada student, Jesse Watson

  • Black and white printing is 5 cents per page, and color printing is 25 cents per page.

  • All GHS PRIDE behavioral expectations apply in the library.

  • Please finish your food and drink outside of the library. Water is permitted, as long as it is not by the computers.

  • Students must have a pass from a teacher to be in the library during class time.

  • An ID card or a schedule with a barcode is required to check out books and to borrow textbooks for in-library use.

  • The “quiet study room” is a place for study and quiet activities.

Textbook return and renewal policies

Students are responsible for textbooks and library books checked out to them. Library books are checked out for four weeks, but you are welcome to renew a book if you need it longer. We have no overdue fines (woo hoo!), but please be responsible about your due dates, in consideration of other library users. Textbooks are checked out for one trimester.

All textbooks must be renewed or returned before the end of the trimester. If you have a “gap” trimester during trimester 2, you must return your book so it can be used by a student in the current trimester. If you have the class in adjoining trimesters, you simply need to renew your textbook. Textbooks you are keeping can stay at home and be renewed with your ID card.

Students who do not return or renew their textbooks or return library books in a timely manner should expect consequences. You may be excluded from school activities, purchasing parking permits, and receiving your diploma.