If approved by voters, the 2023 Bond will NOT result in a tax rate increase. 

On February 6, 2023, the La Vernia ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved an order calling for a $109 million bond election to be held on May 6, 2023. 

The La Vernia ISD Community Advisory Committee has been hard at work over the past six months studying the district’s student enrollment growth, school capacity issues, safety and security, school finances and facility conditions.  The group was comprised of school district parents, teachers, administrators, and community members.  The work culminated in a long-range plan to ensure that La Vernia ISD has future capacity to accommodate student enrollment growth and to provide classroom space for students currently in overcrowded campuses.  The bond is also aimed at renovating aging facilities throughout the school district as part of the district’s long-range preventative maintenance plan.


The La Vernia ISD Board of Trustees considered four options.  The Board voted unanimously in support of Option 1, and to call a bond election to be held on May 6, 2023.  The bond program includes two propositions.  Proposition A, in the amount of $108 million, will fund safety and security upgrades to include access control at each campus, additional classrooms throughout the district, technology infrastructure, new buses, and campus renovations.  Proposition B, in the amount of $1 million, will fund replacement of athletic turf that has exceeded its life cycle. 


This bond election will result in no increase in the tax rate.  District property values and construction of new homes and businesses in La Vernia ISD creates additional bonding capacity at the current I&S tax rate and will support this bond program with no impact to the tax rate.

Learn more about the proposals and Bond 2023 during the Town Hall Meetings with Dr. Hensley Cone. We have scheduled multiple town hall meetings to hopefully provide a time that will meet the personal schedules for anyone that might want to attend. 

School Facilities - $108 Million

Replace Athletic Turf - $1 Million

What's Proposed?

Renovations and refurbishments at all La Vernia ISD Campuses, classroom additions, safety and security upgrades, technology infrastructure, additional buses, library expansion and modernization, gymnasium expansions, cafeteria construction, Career and Technology Education (CTE) program expansion, and other campus renovations.

What's Proposed?

Replace the athletic turf (end-of-life) due to safety concerns because of the age and condition. The La Vernia ISD stadium is used by many students groups including football, track, soccer, band, dance team, cheer, and many others. 

Voting Information

Voter Registration Deadline: April 6, 2023

Early Voting: April 24-28 & May 1-2, 2023


Election Day: Saturday, May 6, 2023


Voting Location: La Vernia Church of Christ

131 Industrial Drive, La Vernia, TX 78121