Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What do I do if I need help with Distance Learning Materials?

A: You can contact your child's teacher or email .

Q: When does my child start using choice boards?

A: Choice boards will begin the week of March 23, 2020.

Q: Are you taking attendance while school is closed?

A: Yes, please click here to log daily attendance.

Q: What is a choice board?

A: Choice boards are grid-like graphic organizers with activities which allow students to choose different ways to learn, practice and/or demonstrate knowledge of a particular concept.

Q: Will the choice board or my child's work be graded?

A: Please keep in mind that as we adjust to adopting our Distance Learning Program together, our initial focus will be on review and building retention of previously learned skills. During this time, Gradebook will be suspended, and students will not receive any new grades for learning that occurs while the district is closed. Teachers will continue to proactively communicate with students and families to support learning and provide feedback. Once students return to school, teachers will use the portfolio of assignments collected while our schools are closed to evaluate each student’s work and learning that occurred.

Q: How do I access the choice board my child should use?

A: To access the choice board, navigate to the tab for your student's campus on the LVISD Distance Learning Portal (

Please note: Local, state, and federal public health officials continue to recommend social distancing and other safety measures that involve reducing human contact to prevent exposure to COVID-19. La Vernia ISD is committed to following this guidance in order to promote the health, safety, and well-being of our students, staff, and community. In keeping with this commitment, LVISD will no longer distribute paper choice board packets to our community as this process involves a high level of exposure and risk to our staff and families. This includes canceling our previously scheduled paper packet distribution times on Monday, April 20, 2020.

Thank you for your support and understanding as we work together to promote the safety of everyone in our community. Should you need assistance with accessing choice boards for your student, please get in touch with our instructional team by emailing Families and students in need of special accommodations should continue to work directly with their teachers.

Q: Does my child need to turn in the work they complete?

A: Students will receive instructions from their teachers on how to submit completed work online using Google Classroom, Remind, Canvas or email. Students may also keep evidence of their work in a paper format. Paper evidence of completed work should be scanned or photographed and transmitted electronically to teachers.

Q: When will the choice board be uploaded?

A: The choice board will be uploaded by Sunday evening for the upcoming week.

Q: Are the assignments and choice boards mandatory/required?

A: The Texas Education Agency has issued an educational continuity mandate to school districts. LVISD is following this mandate to the letter by offering a differentiated choice board of activities that will serve to reinforce and strengthen already taught material. This disclaimer does not apply to Dual Credit, AP or OnRamps courses.

Q: How do I contact my child's teacher if I need help?

A: Your child's teacher can be reached by district email. Please see the staff directory to find the teacher's email address.

Q: How will teachers communicate with students and parents?

A: Teachers will work remotely and be available for office hours. Teachers will be in communication with students and parents. Ask your teacher when they have office hours if you have not heard from them. You can always email your child's teacher by clicking on the staff directory at

Q: What are "teacher office hours"?

A: Teacher office hours are when teachers will be available to answer questions, phone conference, video chat, or respond to email.