Questions for parents and carers

The following are questions asked frequently by parents and carers and we hope you find them useful in addressing any queries you might have about your child's transition to secondary school. If you have any further enquiries please contact admin@lutterworthhigh.co.uk.

How will my child be placed into a tutor group?

Will my child be in a group with their friends?

Tutor groups are created taking into account a number of different factors including:

Transition is an anxious time for some, whilst others take it in their stride. We recognise that everyone reacts differently – students, parents and carers. The two days of induction are designed to support your child through this transition. Although it can be daunting, the opportunity to make new friends will, in the long run, be beneficial to all. If you do have any concerns after the two days of induction, please get in contact with us before the summer holidays to ensure we can resolve any issues.

When will they meet their tutor group and form tutor?

Our New Parents' Information Evening is on Thursday 27th June 2024 and your child will have an opportunity to meet their form tutor and spend time with their form tutor then. More information is on our Induction page.

What are the key dates and times from the school calendar?

What are the times of the school day?

Start of school day 08:35

AM registration 08:40 – 08:50

Period 1 08:50 – 09:40

Period 2 09:40 – 10:30

Break 10:30 – 10:50

Period 3 10:50 – 11:40

Period 4 11:40 – 12:30

Lunch12:30 – 13:20

Period 5 13:20 – 14:10

Period 6 14:10 – 15:00

What are the term dates?

Autumn Term:

Tuesday 27th August - Friday 20th December 2024

Mid-term break: Monday 21st - Friday 25th October 2024

Spring Term:

Tuesday 7th January 2025- Friday 11th April 2025

Mid-term break: Monday 17th - Friday 21st February 2025

Summer Term:

Monday 28th April - Wednesday 9th July 2025

Mid-term break: Monday 26th - Friday 30th May 2025

What school uniform do I need to buy for my child?

Please refer to our dedicated pages about school uniform.

How will my child get to school?

Can my child catch a school bus?

You will be informed by the Local Authority at the end of April 2024 if your child is entitled to free transport. To purchase a bus pass via Beaver Bus or to find out more information about this service, visit their website.

Beaver Bus operate services to the school from a large number of villages and towns in South Leicestershire. Parents arrange this transport themselves with Beaver Bus. If your child is entitled to free transport then you apply for this through the school transport service.

These services drop-off and pick up on the school site and students are supervised and loaded onto them at the end of the school day.

Students living in Warwickshire and eligible for their services should go through Warwickshire County Council.

Can my child use public transport to get to school?

There are bus stops for Arriva services outside the school whilst other services run to Coventry Road or the town centre. These services are not run or managed by the school and it is your responsibility to check that they run at times that allow your child to arrive at school by 8.35am and leave school after 3.00pm.

Can my child cycle to school?

We have a limited number of cycle rack spaces, so if your child wishes to cycle to school, they should apply for a permit in September.

Once they have been allocated a cycle permit and rack space, it is important that bikes are locked securely on the school grounds, (the best way is to lock the bike frame and rear wheel to the bike rack and to make sure that the lock is facing the ground). The bike racks are out of bounds to all students during the school day.

Students cycling to school should ensure that they are dressed appropriately (including bright clothing and a helmet) and that their bike is regularly maintained to ensure safety. Students must cycle sensibly and have regard for other users of roads and pathways. Students are not allowed to ride their bikes anywhere on the school site.

Can I drop-off my child by car?

If you are planning to drive your child to school, please be aware that there is very little parking space at the front of school. Please consider dropping your child nearby, so that they walk the last few hundred metres to school, alternatively drive through the front of school and drop students at the PE gates. If you do park in the community, please park considerately and avoid blocking driveways and entrances for those who live close to the school. Please be mindful that John Wycliffe primary School is also busy, with parents dropping primary school students after 8.45am and collecting them after 3.00pm, and therefore, we recommend that you do not use Moorbarns Lane. 

What should I talk to my child about regarding safe travel?

Safety is extremely important when travelling to and from the school by any means of transport. If your child is walking or cycling to school, please ensure that they are aware of the pedestrian crossings locally and the safest routes to school.

Your child is representing the school on the way to and from school and our uniform is recognisable. Therefore, please ensure that your child is aware of their conduct when travelling to and from school.

Please note that even when not in uniform or at weekends and evenings, students involved in misbehaviour or public order offences may also be punished by the school for bringing the school into disrepute. We take our commitment to the community extremely seriously.

What do I do if my child is absent from school?

Who do I contact if my child is ill?

Please can you ensure you carry out one of the following if your child is absent from school:

Non-urgent appointments should, wherever possible, be made out of school hours.

Without a note any absence cannot be authorised and must go down on student records as unauthorised absence. Attendance records form part of the annual report which goes home to parents. If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child’s attendance please do not hesitate to contact the school. We have a network of support in place for parents and students who require it.

What do I do if my child is late to school?

If a student is late getting to school they should report to the Main Reception and sign in. All students must have a valid reason for lateness, including a note from home.

Can I take my child on holiday during term time?

Taking leave of absence in term-time will affect your child’s schooling as much as any other absence and we expect parents to help their child by not taking holidays in school time. Headteachers are no longer able to authorise any term-time absence unless there are exceptional circumstances.

All applications for leave must be made in advance and in making a decision the school will consider the circumstances of each application individually and you will notified of the decision in writing. Please use the Student Absence Form on our absence page here.

Any period of leave taken without the agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be coded as unauthorised and may result in a Penalty Notice being issued to parents. The school can request a Penalty Notice to be issued from the Pupil Services Court Team at Leicestershire County Council.

A Penalty Notice is £60 per parent per child, to be paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the fine(s) within this timescale would mean the fine rising to £120 to be paid within 28 days of the original fine being issued. If the fine(s) remain unpaid after the full period of 28 days has expired, parents may face legal action under section 444 of the Education Act 1996.

What happens at break and lunchtimes?

What happens at lunchtime?

School meals are offered on a cafeteria basis in the hall and terrace. Each day’s menu offers a range of healthy options using non GM ingredients. Options include tasty hot dishes, a selection of sandwiches, baguettes and paninis, jacket potatoes, pasta dishes, soup and roll plus yoghurt and fresh fruits. A choice of healthy drinks is also on offer.

All students must remain on school site for the entire lunchtime period.

How does my child pay for their food?

Lutterworth High School has introduced cashless catering. The cashless system provides us with a more efficient, faster and ultimately better quality of service. The system incorporates the latest technology and eliminates the need for students to carry cash throughout the day.

What if my child is eligible for Free School Meals?

Pupils eligible for free school meals generate additional funding for school through the Pupil Premium Grant.  This grant provides funds that the school is able to allocate to a range of additional support such as music tuition, assistance with trip costs and other resources for your son/daughter during their time at Lutterworth High School.  Pupils eligible for Free School Meals are treated no differently in school to any other student, yet the benefits to them are great:

How do I know if my child would qualify for Free School Meals?

Families of children and young people in full-time education may be entitled to claim free school meals providing they receive one of the following qualifying benefits:

To check if you are eligible for free school meals please call Leicestershire School Catering Service on 0116 305 5000.  This only takes a matter of minutes but could make a big difference to the education of your son/daughter.  If your child is eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) they are in on 31 March 2022.

You can download the free school meals application form from Leicestershire County Council, apply via telephone on 0116 305 5417, or write to Leicestershire School Catering Service, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester.  LE3 8RB.

Can my child bring a packed lunch to school?

The school provides an excellent catering service for students to purchase a variety of hot and cold meals at reasonable prices. Facilities are also available that allow students to bring packed lunches. However, in the interest of other students with nut allergies, it is essential that students do not include nuts or nut based products in packed lunches.

What is the school's ethos?

Please visit our main school website for more information about the school's values and ethos.

What are the expectations of my child's behaviour?

Students will be expected to:

• Do their best and demonstrate a desire to learn
• Complete homework on time and to the best of their ability
• Be independent, show resilience and not give up
• Take an active part in extra-curricular activities
• Take a pride in their appearance
• Keep to the school’s expectations to support learning
• Show courtesy and respect to all members of the school community in the real and online worlds
• Respect the school environment.

What is the school's behaviour system?

At Lutterworth High School we use Discipline for Learning (D4L).

Discipline for Learning (D4L) is about focusing on learning. D4L gives students a chance to do the right thing and collect house points. Students take responsibility for their behaviour; it is ultimately the student who makes the choice to receive a reward or a consequence, not the teacher. D4L is about making positive choices!

– Students will be rewarded house points when they get it right

– Students will be given redirections to change their behaviour

– Consequences follow poor behaviour

– The rules apply to everyone

– The rules apply everywhere in school

– Teachers aim for a 5:1 balance of praise and redirections

– Every lesson is a chance to start again!

What are redirections and behaviour points?

All students are expected to put learning first and follow our expectations. Staff will help students to make the right choices about behaviour by redirecting them. Staff will always make it very clear when a redirection is given. Any action in which a teacher gives a student a chance to get their behaviour right, is counted as a redirection.

Staff can redirect students in a number of different ways:

– Mentioning their name

– Directly talking to a student

– Moving a student

Teachers are always looking for positive behaviour and will give house points for it.

If a student chooses to not put their behaviour right after being redirected, then a consequence will follow.

Our consequences:

– Level 1 (no further action taken)

– Level 2 (detention with the teacher)

– Level 3 (severe clause whole school detention)

– Level 4 (withdrawal from lesson)

How will my child be rewarded?

Students earn House Points as day-to-day rewards in a number of ways:

– In lessons, by good work and effort, meeting deadlines, not disturbing others.

– Students get extra house points when they receive a D4L award

– House points are also awarded for participating in house events

All house points count towards the House competition for The Abbott Shield.

Merit Awards are given for good work, effort or achievement. Teachers record these on SIMS and give students a subject postcard. A Merit Award is worth 5 house points.

Hot Choc Friday is a Headteacher’s award for outstanding students who always work hard, always try their best and go above and beyond what is expected of them. Nominations are put on SIMS by subject teachers and are worth 20 house points.

Sneak and Eat is an award for KS4 students who have worked consistently hard and produced exceptional work throughout the week. Nominations are put on SIMS by subject teachers and are worth 20 house points.

House points are awarded every lesson for positive behaviour. Teachers record house points on SIMS.

Distinction Awards are given for exceptional work or achievement. Teachers record these on SIMS and give students a subject postcard. A Distinction Award is worth 10 house points.

What will my child learn about in school?

Please visit our main school website for more information about the school's curriculum.

What support will be made available to my child?

What support is there for my child with SEND?

Lutterworth High School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all its students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We are committed to inclusion for all and work closely with parents and students to ensure equal access to all areas of the curriculum. Our aim is to help to improve basic literacy and numeracy skills and to develop students’ independent work and life skills.

Special needs staff work with subject staff to provide in-class support, to help to adapt materials for student use, to directly teach basic skills and to deliver intervention programmes as required. The school maintains an additional needs record that is regularly reviewed to monitor and evaluate students’ progress and needs.

If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact Mrs Farragher, SENDCo on 01455 552710.

What support is available via the Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged students and close the gap between them and their peers.

See our dedicated pages about the Pupil Premium on our main school website.

What school procedures do I need to be aware of?

What is Scopay?

Scopay is a secure online account linked to your child and is the preferred method of payment for cashless catering accounts, trips and other one-off school related events.

Your Scopay account activation details will be provided via your email address at a later date. Please log in at www.scopay.com and register as a ‘new user’ before making secure payments. If you already have a Scopay account, please login as usual, follow the instructions to ‘add a child’ and enter the activation code provided when prompted.

Please ensure that you have registered with Scopay and that money has been added to the account before your child’s induction day in July.

Where can I get help with Edulink, SOCS and other platforms my child will use?

Visit our dedicated eServices mini-site for parents to get help with any queries regarding software platforms and ICT.

What are the school's policies?

Please refer to the Policies section of the main school website.

Can my child have a drink in their lessons?

Students are permitted to drink water in a clear bottle during lessons. Other drinks will be confiscated if in lessons.

The drinking of water is not permitted in ICT, science or technology lessons due to safety.

Can my child use the library for homework?

Key Stage 4 students are able to use The Learning Hub for homework after 8.00am until 5.00pm.

Are there assemblies in the morning?

Assemblies take place each week centered around our values and themes of the week. It is a chance for students to spend time considering different points of view on a range of moral issues and current affairs.

How does the school keep in touch?

We want to ensure excellent communication with parents.

We use EduLink to keep you up to date. EduLink is a parent portal and communication app that keeps your child's school information in one place, meaning you are more informed and involved in their learning journey. Once you have completed the online admission form and we have processed your information, you will receive your EduLink invitation.

We also have a weekly interactive newsletter, which as well as keeping you up to date, also celebrates the many successes of our students and school events. We also have a social media feed which provides day-to-day information. You can follow us on X (Twitter) @LuttHigh.

Who do I contact if I have a query?

To find out who best to contact if you have a question or concern, please see the information on the school website.