2021 March Transition Question and Answer - Wycliffe

Questions from Children

This video was made for children at John Wycliffe school but many of the questions may be similar to ones you might have wanted to ask.

A full range of frequently-asked questions with written answers can be found below.

How many people are at the school?

How many people are there in Year 7?

There will be about 175 students in Year 7 at the High School. This means that there are lots of new people to meet who may share your interests. You are likely to meet a new best friend from another primary school and develop new, lasting friendships with lots of new people.

How many people are there in school?

There will be about 800 students in total at the High School. This means it is much bigger than your primary school, but because there are so many people the school is able to offer more specialist teaching and learning, with classrooms, laboratories and workshops appropriate to your subjects. You will also find it much easier to find people who like the same things you do, particularly if there is something you are passionate about but nobody in your primary school is interested in.

How many people will be in my class?

There will usually be around 25-30 people in your class. It may vary depending on the subject, teacher, classroom and type of lesson. For example, there will be fewer students in a Design & Technology class, where you are working with tools in a workshop, than in a History class in a ‘normal’ classroom.

How do I get to school?

How will I know where to get my bus?

Your bus company will send-out a timetable and bus pass to you during the Summer holidays, which will include details of where you should catch your bus and at what time. You will usually be picked-up and dropped-off at a bus stop near to your house, or a short walk away. You can only travel on your allocated service and are expected to behave appropriately during your journey and follow all instructions from the driver.

How do bus lines work?

You will normally need to assemble in Central Playground at the end of school. At 3.05pm, a bell will sound and you will be led to your bus by a member of staff. You should wait in the area of Central marked for your bus and wait for it to be called.

How do I get around school?

How do I find my way around?

You will be given a map of the school. This will help you find where you need to go. You will also be led by Student Guides during your first few days to help you get around the school. After a week or two, you will be an expert and will be able to find your own way without a problem!

Will I get shown around the school?

Many of you will already have had a tour of the school. Your form tutor will show you around during your first few days at school, or during the induction days in July.

What happens if I get lost?

If you get lost, don’t panic. There are 175 students who are new to the school, just like you, and there will be up to 30 other people looking for the same classroom. So, if you’re not sure where to go you probably won’t be on your own. If you are stuck, just ask. Older students really look forward to welcoming new students to the school and will be happy to take you to your next lesson. Otherwise, Student Guides will be wearing bright t-shirts to help you find them, and any member of staff will show you where to go too.

Will I be in trouble if I’m late because I get lost?

If you are a few minutes late to a couple of lessons during your first week, don’t panic! Your teachers will understand that it takes time for you to find your way and will understand if you are not on time because you got lost. You will soon get the hang of moving around school and won’t be late once you have learned where to go!

Who's in my class?

Will my friends from primary school be in my class?

You may not be with your best friend from primary school in your tutor group at secondary school for a variety of reasons. You will normally be placed in a tutor group with at least one other person from your primary school, however. This will be decided after teachers from the High School speak with your primary school teachers to help decide what is best for you. Even if you are not in class with your friends from primary school, you will be able to keep in touch with them at break times and lunch times when the whole of the year group mix together, or at sports days and other events.

How do you decide which tutor group I go in?

We take into account a huge range of things when deciding who to place in which of six Year 7 tutor groups. Primarily, we will think about what mix of people will help you achieve to the best of your ability. We might consider your likes and dislikes too, for example if a particular tutor may share your interests.

Will I get to sit with my friends?

This will be up to your class teacher. They may decide to sit you in a seating plan to help you meet new people, or you may be able to choose groups of people you would like to work with in your lessons.

Can I choose which house I go in?

You will be allocated a house after you start at secondary school. You can request to be placed in the house any previous family members have belonged to, but you cannot choose your house to be with friends, etc. Email houses@lutterworthhigh.co.uk to make your request. There will be a mixture of houses in your tutor group.

Can you tell me about the older students?

Will we mix with older students in classes?

No. Each year group is taught separately.

Will we see older students at break and lunch times?

Yes. At the High School, all students have break times and lunch times at the same time.

Are the older students mean to younger ones?

We set high expectations of our students' behaviour and they live up to them! Our students are polite, friendly and helpful people who will always try their best to look after you. Remember they were in your shoes just a few years ago!

What are the times of the school day?

When does school start?

School starts at 8.35am. You should arrive at school for 8.30am.

How many lessons are there and how long are lessons?

There are six lessons of 50 minutes each.

When do we finish school?

The High School’s day finishes at 3pm.

When are break time and lunch time and how long are they?

You will have a twenty minute break time during the morning, and a 45 minute lunch time at 12:30pm.

Can you tell me about break and lunch times?

What’s for lunch?

We offer a varied menu throughout the week, which is published in the newsletter and on the menu screen above the main canteen servery. Our kitchen uses fresh ingredients from local suppliers to cook a range of choices each day, split between our Traditional Kitchen servery (fish and chips, roast dinners, bangers and mash, etc.) and the Terrace Bistro (pasta, curry, paninis, etc.) There is always plenty of choice, including vegetarian options.

Where do we eat?

Year 7 students are allowed to eat with the rest of the school in the Hall or on benches around the outside of school. Whilst you can buy food in the Terrace, only Year 10 and 11 students are allowed to sit in there.

Can I play football at break time?

Your break and lunch times are your opportunity to relax. Eat your lunch then enjoy playing football or throwing a rugby ball on the field, tennis against your friends on the tennis courts, ping-pong on the various tables dotted around the school site, or just sit and relax somewhere. Lunch times are also used for extra-curricular clubs, and catch-up sessions for your school work. The Learning Hub and E7 computer room are also open for you to read and do your homework. 

What will I learn about?

How many subjects are there?

You will study in at least 10 different subjects. There is a lot more than just Literacy and Numeracy at High School, and you will be doing lots of different topics in each subject. Find out more about each subject on the school website.

Will we be put in sets?

In some subjects, you may be put into sets to help your teachers help you learn to the best of your ability. This differs from subject to subject and between year groups.

How much harder will the work be?

The work will be a step up from the work you are doing in Year 6, just as the work you are doing in Year 6 is a step up from the work you did in Year 5. It must be harder to challenge you and help you learn, but your teachers will help you to ensure you understand what you need to do.

What languages do you teach?

You will take part in French and Spanish lessons. 

Will I get lots of homework?

How much homework do we get?

You should expect to get more homework than you do now, but it will not be so much that you will be unable to cope. If you are struggling with homework, it is important that you speak to somebody about it - your mentor, form tutor, class teacher or key stage manager.

What happens if I don’t hand-in my homework on time?

There may be an occasion where you leave a piece of homework behind or forget to print it off. Your teachers will be understanding of an occasional problem or one-off issue with your homework. If there is a regular issue with homework, however, you may receive Consequences.

Does the High School have a uniform?

Do we have to wear a uniform?

Yes. The High School’s smart uniform of shirt, tie, blazer and formal trousers and shoes is compulsory for all students. Find out more about the school uniform on the school website.

Are we allowed to wear make-up?

No. Key Stage Three students are not permitted to wear any make-up to school.

Can I bring my mobile phone to school?

Can I bring my mobile phone to school?

Yes. This is a modern world and you may wish to carry a mobile phone with you. However, it should remain switched-off and put away during the school day and must never be out during lesson time. 

Am I allowed to use my iPad/tablet in lessons?

Yes. During the first half-term of Year 7, the High School operates a roll-out of the systems needed for students’ own iPads to be used and students are allowed to use them in school as long as they are connected to the school’s wifi network.

There is more information about using technology at school on the main school website.

What happens if I misbehave?

What are Consequences?

If you continue to make the wrong choices, you may be subject to Consequences. This means that a note will be written in your student planner to say that your teacher has been unimpressed with your behaviour. If you continue to repeat making the same poor choice in your behaviour, you may receive a higher level of Consequence. The system will be explained to you when you arrive at school. You should not worry about Consequences as they are only issued when students repeat the same mistakes in their behaviour over and over again.

Will I get put in detention?

This is unlikely as detentions only happen after higher levels of Consequences are issued. Most students are never put in detention.

Is there such a thing as isolation/withdrawal?

Yes. But most students are never put in isolation/withdrawal. This would only happen if your behaviour was dangerous or disruptive to others’ learning, and is very uncommon.

Find out more about our D4L system on the school website.

How will I be supported in my lessons?

Will somebody help me if I usually have help from an extra adult?

Whilst you are at secondary school you will still receive support from extra adults and with technology if you currently do so. It may be that sometimes you no longer have an extra adult with you all the time, perhaps in areas where you are more confident or perhaps to challenge you to see what you can achieve on your own. It may be that instead of one person helping you during the day, you will see lots of adults to support you in different ways.

Are there clubs after school?

Can I play my favourite sport at secondary school?

Yes! Because your new school is much larger than your primary school, there are lots more people who will share your interests in a particular sport. And, if a sports club doesn’t already exist you may be able to work with a teacher to launch it at school. There are lots of opportunities to get involved in sport for competition or for fun, with the High School having a rich history in swimming, tennis, rugby, and football.

Do you do contact rugby?

Yes, if it is deemed that you are skilled enough and old enough to do so. Speak to your PE teacher when you move to the High School to find out more.

What after school clubs are there?

There are a huge range of different things you can get involved with at secondary school, thanks to the huge number of people there. You might be the only person in your class at primary school who has a particular interest but there will be lots more people who share your interests at the High School, and there are likely to be clubs for you to become involved with too! Some examples are comic book club, knitting club, cookery club, photography club, art club, and film club.