Keeping Current

Related Topics in the News and Academia

  • Women from the Northern Triangle: Escaping Violence? -- Wilson Center Global Fellow Guadalupe Correa explains the risks that women and girls from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala face as migrants on the journey north, including from gang violence and human trafficking, in the latest episode of the Accessing Justice podcast.

Recommended Films and Series

Directed by Raúl O. Paz-Pastrana, who over the course of five years filmed the migrant routes from southern Mexico to the U.S. Mexico Border. The film highlights Gustavo Lopez Quiroz, a Nicaraguan migrant trying to cross into America through Mexico, and Jason De León, a US anthropologist seeking traces of others who never made it. Paz-Pastrana assembles a vivid portrait of the thousands of immigrants who disappear along the trail. Border South reveals the immigrants’ resilience, ingenuity, and humor as it exposes a global migration system that renders human beings invisible in life as well as death.

  • Immigration Nation- television series on Netflix. With unprecedented access to ICE operations, as well as moving portraits of immigrants, this docuseries takes a deep look at US immigration today.

  • A 3 Minute Hug- A short film on Netflix. A 2019 documentary film directed and written by Everardo González, revolving around the temporary reunion between people and families separated by the US/Mexico border, organized by the Border Network for Human Lives.

New York Times 911 Interactive Map

A comparative map of points on the border where migrants called 911 for a chance of survival, next to points representing where bodies have been discovered.