Class pictures and videos

Pool ball collisions to show Newton's 3rd Law

Speed calculation lab

Students found their speed walking, speed walking, and walking backwards by timing a measured 20m walk and using the formula speed = distance/time
speedwalking speed.mp4

3rd Law demonstrations with longboards.

As the ball is thrown back and forth, both students put force on the ball, causing the ball to push back on them. As a result, both students gradually accelerate away from each other.

Newton's First Law Demo

This demonstrates Newton's first law because the force is applied to the cup, not the tennis ball. Since the ball is not pushed forward, it drops straight down into a the cup below.
Wiffle Ball bat - 1st law.mp4

Calculating speed and acceleration

Chris and Joe - newton push.mp4

Film Canister Bottle Rockets (2nd Law Lab)

Note: During the lab we found the mass of the film canisters, and launched one rocket at a time. At the end of the lab, we still had few alka selzer tabs, so we did an experiment, testing out three student suggestions to get the canister to fly higher.
Rocket launches - block 4.mp4