Fact Check

When you fact check news, you will find information that will support your opinion, and you will find information that contradicts what you were hoping to find. Don't believe everything; don't re-tweet something that seems appalling; don't repeat information you hear--until you fact check it. Be informed. These are in no particular order.

Fact Check from the Annenberg Public Policy Center reveals facts.

Politifact has a meter telling if political stories are mostly true, mostly false, or a little of both with a "pants on fire" for egregious falsehoods.

Using tabs at the top of Snopes, you can see what's new, what hot as well as fact check almost anything you've heard as a rumor. There is also a news tab and an archive tab. This is the site I've used the most. I'll get an email or someone will tell a story that's going around about what happened to someone. I look it up here to see if it's true.

All Sides provides left, center, and right articles for different news items in order to see all sides of an argument.