
“Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!”

Purpose Statement – Enduring Understandings for Science Department:

The process of science involves developing knowledge through questioning, collecting and analyzing evidence, and communicating findings. Major concepts taught in science include the following: Energy is neither created nor destroyed: as it flows from one form to another, it transforms and dissipates. The enormous variety of living and non-living structures in the universe consist of the same few basic components and go through the similar transformations, and use identical forces to move. All forms of life consist of matter uniquely organized into a system that cycles matter and uses energy. All living and non-living systems are continuously changing. The universe is made up of interconnected systems; a change in one system affects other systems. Technology transforms the world. Resources are finite; in order to ensure the habitability of Earth, humans are responsible for managing and conserving them.

2019 PA Science Olympiad Team: Vermont State 3rd Place