HICAP Services of Northern California
A Special Program of Legal Services of Northern California
The current COVID-19 public health issue has forced the closure of our counseling sites and limited travel and public interaction in our counties. As a result, LSNC HICAP has shifted to a telephone counseling model. We are working with all currently-scheduled clients to accommodate their schedules, and we will schedule new appointments exclusively as phone appointments. We will resume in-person counseling and education events when it is healthy to do so.
Since LSNC HICAP has also moved to remote, from-home work, please note that our ability to answer the phone live has also decreased. Please have patience with us at this time.
For more information and resources about COVID-19, please check out the following sites:
Medicare coronavirus website: https://www.medicare.gov/medicare-coronavirus
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Medi-Cal coronavirus website: https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/Pages/DHCS-COVID%E2%80%9119-Response.aspx
California Department of Public Health's coronavirus website: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Immunization/nCOV2019.aspx
Legal Services of Northern California COVID-19 updates: https://lsnc.net/coronavirus-covid-19
California Department of Aging website: https://www.aging.ca.gov
Welcome to HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program)
HICAP Services of Northern California provides free counseling and advocacy services for Medicare beneficiaries residing in El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties.
Call us to schedule a free, unbiased, confidential counseling session with one of our volunteer HICAP Medicare counselors.
How can HICAP help you?
Get help with your Medicare questions and problems.
Get help with questions about Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) and evaluating a LTCI policy you already have.
Ask for a presentation about Medicare to your community organization or group.
For more information on how HICAP can help you, see Our Services.
Disaster or Emergency Area
See here for Medicare rules in a disaster or emergency area, for example, to see a doctor or get prescriptions.
Visit LSNC's Camp Fire Butte County Resources for a list of non-Medicare related resources.
Do you have a MyMedicare.Gov Account?
Medicare's new Plan Finder uses MyMedicare.Gov
Through MyMedicare.gov, Medicare beneficiaries can use their recent drug claims to build a drug list for the Plan Finder compare feature during Open Enrollment. Additionally, beneficiaries can choose to receive information via email, print out a new Medicare card, and access Medicare Summary Notices through the site.
If you need to create a new account, please check out this CMS Fact Sheet.

Are you New to Medicare?
Get started by attending an Introduction to Medicare workshop!
All Workshops are from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Located at 505 12th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. To reserve a spot, please call (916) 375-3765.
2020 Workshops POSTPONED until further notice
Did you miss Medicare Open Enrollment?
Medicare Open Enrollment may have ended on December 7, but Medicare beneficiaries may still be able to make plan choices for the 2020 plan year:
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period - January 1 through March 31. If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage ("Part C") plan, you can disenroll from your plan and return to Original Medicare, or switch to another Medicare Advantage plan.
Special Enrollment Period - varies depending on your situation. Common SEPs include:
"Exceptional Circumstances" SEP: if you believe you made the wrong plan choice because of misleading or inaccurate information, you may be able to call 1-800-Medicare to change your enrollment at any time.
If you have Extra Help (also called "Low Income Subsidy") or full Medi-Cal benefits, you have a SEP to change your Medicare health or drug plans once a quarter for the first 3 quarters of the year.
5 Star Special Enrollment Period - If you reside in an area with a plan that has an overall performance rating of 5 stars, you can join that plan.
You may have other enrollment rights based on your situation that are not listed here. For personalized assistance, please contact us for more information.
HICAP counseling services are provided by Counselors registered by the California Department of Aging who are acting in good faith to provide information about health insurance polices and benefits. This information shall not be construed to be legal advice, and the volunteer HICAP Counselor is generally not liable for acts and omissions in providing counseling to recipients of this service. (W&I Code, Section 9541(f).) If you choose a plan and have difficulty with the enrollment process, the HICAP Counselor may assist you. However, you will be responsible for the actual plan contract. The HICAP Counselor will NOT choose your plan for you.