Homecoming Dance Information
Greek Week: October 4th, 2024
DATE: Friday, October 4th
TIME: 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
PLACE: Student Center & Patio
If you are bringing a guest, don't forget to fill out the Guest Form and turn it into Ms. McCormick in the Main Office for approval.
Dress Code: Semi-formal, no jeans, no hats, no sunglasses
No costumes in any form allowed - you will not be allowed in the dance.
No food or drink allowed.
Homecoming Tickets & T-shirts go on sale Monday, September 30 through Friday, October 4 in the Main Entrance before school and during both lunches. Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4, on sale before school, both lunches, and all blocks. Cash or check only; no digital payments.
$30 per person (includes a Homecoming t-shirt - first come, first serve)
SENIORS ONLY - $25 ticket (includes a Homecoming t-shirt - first come, first serve)
$5 replacement fee for any lost or forgotten ticket
$15 Homecoming t-shirt - first come, first serve (No Dance Ticket Included)
Any student with more than 10% unexcused absences will not be able to attend the dance.