
We invite all of our new teachers to our 5-day Project-Based Learning Residency which usually takes place the last week of June. They come prepared with their laptops and we also ask that they complete the Echo 101 for Teachers course on their own before the residency begins.

Each day we try and focus on a specific aspect of Project-Based learning, but every year the format changes and evolves based on feedback from the previous residency class.

Days 1 & 2: Project Design & Launch

Day 3: Scaffolding & Benchmarks

Day 4: Echo & Rubrics

Day 5: Critical Friends

LPS PBL Residency Echo Course Tour

Watch this video for a brief tour through our LPS PBL Residency Course on Echo.

After residency, we incorporate project-based learning into our schedule for in-service in August and create opportunities for teachers to receive critical feedback on their upcoming projects before the school year begins.

We also share the enrollment codes for Echo 201 for Teachers as well as the New Tech Badging Course and use the Badging Course as a launching point for group and individual professional development throughout the year.