What is Learning Support Services?


LPS places a high value on supporting every student to meet their learning potential. Students with disabilities, preschool through age 21, receive support in all district schools. A priority is to include every student in general education while recognizing and meeting individual needs through special education resources.


Each school site has a Learning Support Services team of professionals that can vary according to the needs of students in the building. Additionally, the District has a variety of center-based programs designed to provide more intensive support.


Learning Support Services (LSS) at Twain has four teachers. There is a full-time resource teacher, part-time resource teacher and two center-based teachers. The Resource Program is taught by Sarah Slaght (full-time) and Kathy Brewer (part-time). The K-2 center-based class is taught by Donna Millar and the 3-5 center-based class is taught by Regan Kalahar.