


You can look at our volunteer opportunities HERE. If you are interested in something, contact our VIPS coordinators (Volunteers In Public Schools) runyonvips@gmail.com


At Runyon we track our volunteer hours for grant requirements. Please be sure to log your hours!

At School

Your hours are automatically logged when you sign into LPS Connect in the Front Office. Just be sure to log out when you leave, or the system will only count one hour of your time.

At Home

If you do volunteer work from home, log into LPS Connect and log your hours online.

Volunteer Code of Ethics


Keep confidences. Conduct yourself in a professional manner, and please do not discuss a child with anyone other than the teacher.

Recognize the teacher as the person in charge and the one person to whom the students owes their primary attention.

Are reliable and prompt. The school staff and students depend on you. When you have to be absent, if possible, make arrangements to have your time covered by another volunteer. Always contact the school/teacher and let them know of the change.

Make a commitment of time, are patient with the students, and realize they are there to help the children.

Show personal concern for the students with whom they work.

Strive to widen the horizons of the students by being a concerned, helpful, friendly role model.

With the start of the 2018-2019 academic year, Littleton Public Schools is introducing LPS Connect, a new lobby check-in procedure at every school to improve building safety procedures.

The first phase of the LPS Connect system will focus on volunteer monitoring. Later this year, after the system is fully implemented, a visitor management component will run a background check on every visitor using a driver’s license reader during check-in. Visitors will need to show a drivers license or government ID for the system to review their status. The software will also log where visitors are going and provide another layer to the security systems that LPS already has in place.

When fully installed, every visitor or volunteer entering an LPS school will check in at the LPS Connect kiosk before proceeding to any classroom or other location on campus.

Once cleared, visitors will receive a name tag or badge that they are required to wear while on campus. School volunteers can register online and have a full background check completed before receiving a badge, which is valid for the school year. This new system also replaces the paper system previously used for tracking volunteer hours.

“This adds another level of security for our kids, staff and parents,” said Michael Jones, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. “We continue to make safety and security our number one priority. We know this will take some time to adjust to the change, so we appreciate everyone’s patience as we make the district-wide transition.”