
Journalism/Yearbook (Quarter 2)


*All assignments are listed below in order for the entire  quarter below. If you are absent you have access to all your work here. 

1-Get to Know YOU Sheet  (DUE )

2-Copy this Google Doc and title it: Yearbook Notes by Your Full Name & share it with Anna & Kim (ALL your work goes on this document!!) (DUE )

3-Introduction to Yearbook PowerPoint (Introduce to class expectations, theme, typography, fonts, etc...) (DUE)

4-Brainstorm & Vote on Theme Ideas (2023-2024) (DUE )

VOTE for your TOP 2

5-Student Magazine Layout Analysis (Each student will choose a single and double spread layout from a magazine that they are attracted to and answer the  the five questions presented on out Google Doc PP attached above) (DUE )

6-Make at least 5 comments on other students magazine layout analysis slides. (DUE )

EMAIL yourself 12-15 pictures from your phone

7-Worksheet for Design & Layout Notes & Video (copy and paste these notes into your YB Google Doc Notes) (DUE )

8-Notes: Yearbook Design & Layout PowerPoint
8-Video: Basic Design Principals Youtube Video
(watch and complete the worksheet on: Basic Design Principles for Creating a Simple Yearbook Layout and from the notes in Yearbook Design & Layout PP) (DUE )

VOTE for the TITLE



9- Correct Student Layout W.S. to use with Demo

Student Guided Checklist and Rubric  (DUE )
Using graph paper design a single and double page layout that exemplifies ALL the elements of a page we have learned and reviewed.  Each student will choose photographs and text to create a single and double spread layout from a magazine clippings.
EXAMPLES (Steps 1,2,3):         Double Page      Single Page
EXAMPLES (Steps 4,5,6,7):     Double Page      Single Page
EXAMPLES (Steps 8,9):            Double Page      Single Page

InDesign EXAMPLES               Double Page      Single Page

10-Journalism/YB Kahoot (game review, played in class) (DUE )

Class Decides Final Theme Title of YB (DUE )

Class Decides Final Typography of YB (Titles, Stories, Captions) (DUE )

Finalize page assignments (each student responsible for at least 1 page) (DUE )

11-Caption Writing Lesson  
(copy & paste this sheet at the TOP of your YB notes Google Doc with date) (DUE )

12-Bingo Review Game #1 (DUE )

13-Notes: Interviewing Tips and Tricks Worksheet (copy and paste these notes into your YB Google Doc Notes at the TOP)
13-Videos & PP: Interview Slide Show PP (DUE )

14-Story/Copy Writing Notes Worksheet P1 & P2
14-PP:Yearbook Story/Copy Writing PP (DUE)

15-Partner Project: Rearrange the two cut-up stories in the correct order with your partner, when it is correct tape it down! (done in class) (DUE )

Journalism/Yearbook (Quarter 3-2023)


*All assignments are listed below in order for the entire  quarter below. If you are absent you have access to all your work here. 

16-Outline Story Angle Interview Questions with Table (3x6 with Interviewee, Questions, and Responses) for Stories (date and create this at the TOP of your Google Doc YB Notes) (DUE )

**Create a checklist to make sure that each student in the school is interviewed 

17-Complete Interviews with 5 people (copy & paste this chart to the TOP of your Google Doc YB Notes with the date) (DUE )

18-AD Sales Field Trip
Follow-up on Ad Sales (emails & phone calls)

19-Write Stories using this Template after template is approved, type story draft (stories should be 250-400 words) at the TOP of your running google doc for YRB (DUE )

20-Open this Google Doc to copy & paste your DRAFT STORIES here to be graded (stories should be 250-400 words)(DUE )

21-Make corrections to your story on YOUR Google Doc in YB Notes then COPY and RE-PASTE the Final below your rough draft on this link.

22-Document to type your CAPTIONS

23-Review Students Final Page Assignments

24-Fill out sheet: Yearbook Completion Checklist (and tape above your work station)

25-Design & Layout Word Scramble Puzzle & Crossword Puzzle & Kahoot Review

**Create a checklist to make sure that each student in the school has a photo and/or quote

26-Page creators look through all the picture options and choose the final pictures for the YB.  3 or 5 pics for a single page, 5 or 7 pics for a double spread.  Choose your dominate photo. (write down picture file names)

27-Utilizing your Adobe skills begin editing your final photos that you have chosen. (Cropping, color levels, brightness/contrast, cleaning up faces, etc...)

Completion Checklist & Typeface Directions

28-Design your graph paper layout with the photos chosen

29-Following your graph paper sketch for your layout design begin digitally designing your page(s)

30-BINGO Review Game #3

31-Jeopardy Review Game #1

32-Student Self Evaluation of Your Completed Page(s)