3rd Grade

Things we learn:

>Singing alone and with others

>Playing instruments

>Reading and writing music notes

>Major and minor tonalities

>Dynamics: pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff

>Time signatures (meter)

>Articulation - starting each note on recorders

>Whole notes and rests

>Dotted half notes and rests

>Half notes and rests

>Quarter notes and rests

>Eighth notes

>AB Form, Rondo Form (ABACA), Verse & Refrain

>Orchestral Instruments

Colorado State Standards and Grade Level Expectations:

Standard 1: Expression

  • Perform phrases demonstrating learned rhythmic, melodic, and chordal accompaniment components. (rhythmic and melodic ostinati)

  • Perform notated songs with accurate pitch, rhythm, harmony, tone and expressive elements. (Perform 2-part songs)

  • Apply teacher and peer critique and self-reflection to refine individual technique and performance of simple notated songs.

Standard 2: Creation of Music

  • Compose, improvise and arrange in known musical forms using rhythm and/or pitch.

Standard 3: Theory of Music

  • Identify and demonstrate notated melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic patterns within the treble staff. (lines and spaces; sixteenths and dots; tonic/dominant)

  • Identify and demonstrate gradual tempos, dynamics, and articulations. (accelerando/rit.; cresc/descresc; legato/staccato)

  • Identify and demonstrate advanced form, meter, timbre elements. (rondo; 2/4, ¾, 4/4; aurally identify instrument families)

Standard 4: Aesthetic Valuation of Music

  • Select and use specific criteria in making judgments about the quality of a musical performance.

  • Identify differences and commonalities in music from various cultures.