Expectations / Behavior


Be safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible 

Be Ready to Learn

Mt. Evan's  Behavior Form  (Click on the link if you have been asked to fill out the form.) If you fill out the form 2 times - you will be expected to come in during your lunch/recess to solve the problem. 

Example script for email home:  

Dear (person you live with):  My teacher(s) are working with me and are trying to help me with my responsibilities.  "I made the decision to _______________ which resulted in _____________".     I have a solution for this.  The next time I'll ___________________.  My teacher(s) also has some ideas to help me stay on track as well.  I'm learning and growing and will improve!  I would love your support as well - could you check in with me after school each day to see how my plan worked?  Also, could you "reply back all" to this email. That way my teacher(s) know you saw it and how you feel about supporting me. 

With love and gratitude, 

Phone call home:

Hi __________ (guardian who answers or for whom you leave a message),

I'm calling because I need help forming habits of responsibility. 

I haven't been doing my ___________ (school subject) work . I know where to find it. I just haven't created a good habit of checking I.C., Google Classroom, and homework yet.

Can we sit down together and look at how to create a good nightly habit for this? I want to set myself up for success, and I might need you to support me until it's a solid habit.

Love you,
