Algebra I

Algebra I


Instructor: Mrs. Kruck Email:

Please log in to Google Classroom and join our Classroom

Google Classroom Code: nhwfvsr

Our Google Classroom will be used for everything. At the end of each ODD day I will post the class notes, assignment, and a partial key in the “CLASSWORK” tab.

If you are absent, please be sure to check the GC for anything due. All material is expected to be completed by the due date, even if you miss class. Please check that BEFORE you email me about anything.

The “STREAM” will be used for last minute announcements and reminders.


· We have a Math-Lab available for extra help during periods 1-6 in the math office. You may use this on an as-needed basis and can drop in anytime.

· I will be available during TRIBE on Thursdays

· I am part-time so I will only be in the building on ODD days: MONDAY, THURSDAY and EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY with 7th period being my plan period.


--Student calendar

--Pencils (please complete all assignments in pencil, any assignments/assessments completed in pen will not be graded)

--I strongly recommend you use a spiral notebook for all notes and a folder for handouts. Each unit is a different color so once we are done with a unit, you may take those papers out and store them at home until the final. I DO NOT recommend throwing them away until next summer!!!


--Calculator--TI-30 XSII or TI-83 or TI-84 are strongly recommended; calculators will not be permitted on some assignments, quizzes, and exams



Good attendance is a critical part to being successful in school. Since we are on a block schedule, when you miss one class it is really like missing two. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the GC for what you missed BEFORE you return to class. Please don’t email me and ask me what you missed. Please take time to read through and copy the notes in your notebook BEFORE COMING IN FOR HELP.

· After 3 unexcused tardies you will be assigned detention


Students will be given 3 bathroom break passes to use throughout the semester. When possible, please use the bathroom before school, during lunch, or during passing periods.


--Grades will usually be updated every other week starting the third week in the semester

--Extra credit will NOT be offered at any time during the semester

--I use a standard 100-90 = A, 89-80 = B, etc. scale

--Please refer to the student handbook for a definition of academic dishonesty. All incidents will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Homework—2 or 3 points per assignment: 2 points for full completion + 1 point for correct answers; Partial keys are posted in the Google Classroom every night. You are expected to check your HW every night in the GC before coming to class the following class. I will randomly select one problem to check for correctness on the HW. For full credit you must SHOW ALL WORK and CIRCLE/BOX your answers

**Regular homework completion is essential to be successful in this class

Quizzes/Concept checks--points will vary;

Exams—Each unit will end with an exam, usually 100 points but may vary depending on the unit


If you are absent for a test, you MUST make it up in the Math Lab in the Math Office during periods 1-6. It is always better to take the exam on the original date so please do everything you can to be present on testing days. If you do not have an off hour period 1 - 6, please see me to make alternate arrangements.

*A quiz/test must be made up within a week of the original date of the test. After a week, 10% will be deducted from your score every week it has not been made up.

**Missing the class period before a test or quiz does not exclude you from taking the test at the scheduled date and time. Be sure you check the GC for any missed reviews or notes


1. Take good notes…this is not a movie, be an active participant

2. Work through problems; Look back at HW, notes, old Concept Checks…actually DO problems, don’t just look at them

3. Work through the study guide once with notes then print another copy and work through it EXACTLY like you would take the test


Understanding the material that is on the homework is critical to being successful in this class. If you do not understand the material from class or homework, PLEASE try some alternate resources. Here are a few suggestions:

--Search the topic in youtube videos

--Visit the MathLab

--Email me to set an appointment for extra help

Let's make this a great year!!!!! START STRONG!!!!