French 2

Students should check in to Google classroom for details, docs, additional attachments about what we did in class.

At each level, students will apply language skills to contextual themes throughout the year. In French 2 some themes may include:

La Famille

Objetive: Je peux parler de ma famille en français.

Essential Question: Comment est la structure d’une famille différente?

Unit Overview: Talking about family members, describing family relations, physical and personality descriptions. Cultural perspectives on how families vary from culture to culture.

La Mode et Moi

Objetive: Je peux parler des vêtements.

Essential Question: Comment me représente-elle la mode ? Que disent mes vêtements de moi ?

Unit Overview: Clothing articles and descriptions, shopping terminology. Cultural perspectives on how fashion and consumer practices vary from culture to culture.

La Maison

Objetive: Je peux parler de ma maison.

Essential Question: Qu’est-ce qui rend ma maison chez moi? What makes a house a home ?

Unit Overview: Parts of the house/home, objects in the home, and describing the house/home. Cultural perspectives on how homes and daily life vary from culture to culture.

En ville

Objetive: Je peux décrire ma ville.

Essential Question: Quels endroits sont importants pour moi en ville? Est-ce que les villes se ressemblent ?

Unit Overview: Places in town, activities associated with locations. Cultural perspectives on how cities and environment impact daily life and vary from culture to culture.