Mission Statement

The Mission of the Arapahoe High School Football Alumni Association is to engage former AHS players, coaches, and supporters to help strengthen the current and future Warrior athletes and teams through personal involvement, mentoring, and financial assistance. Our intention is that the Arapahoe High School Football Alumni Association will apply for and receive Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. As such, it will eventually be a fully recognized charitable, non-profit organization.

Initial Organizational Goals:

To develop a comprehensive database of all former players and coaches. A questionnaire to gather this information is attached.

To recruit former players and coaches from this database with the interest and the time to serve as initial leaders to help us build out this organization.

To recruit other former players and coaches interested in donating their time both to the organization’s activities and to the current players in need of a role model.

To undertake and complete the process to become an Internal Revenue Code Section

501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. This step is critical to our ability to effective raise funds through dues and solicited donations for the Football program and the players, both on and off the field.

To develop, coordinate, and maintain the Arapahoe High School Football Hall of Fame.

To develop qualification criteria for, fund, and eventually award a scholarship to a graduating senior.

Upcoming events: *see season schedule for home games

7/29 8:30 to 10:00 AM – Practice with Pine Creek

8/18 4:30 to 9:00 PM Jamboree. Three team scrimmage with food trucks, music, and high school football!