3rd Grade Policies 


In 3rd grade your child's homework will consist of a small amount of math and family reading.

Math:  Math homework will vary from teacher to teacher but typically your child will receive one to two pages of homework on Monday and it will be due the following Friday. Your child's math teacher will communicate additional details with you at the beginning of the school year.  

Third grade is a big year for readers! Readers are shifting from "learning to read" to "reading to learn".  A significant amount of research shows that reading with your child or "family reading" is incredibly beneficial for your young readers.  We are passionate about providing our students and families time to implement this incredibly benefical and important time at home.  This will be our main literacy "homework"  in 3rd grade... READ, READ, READ!! Read chapter books together, picture books, poetry, interesting non-fiction articles, audio books.  Read together and enjoy!  Students in 3rd grade can also be independently reading at home but don't forget the incredible benefits of reading together as well! Please take time to read the articles linked below for more information on the importance of reading to and with your young reader.

Classroom/Behavior Management

In 3rd grade we believe that each child is a unique individual and therefore classroom management techniques and behavior managament stratgies should not be a "one size fits all approach"  We deeply value getting to know our students and learning the best strategies to help them be successful.  We work hard to implement classroom and behavior management strategies that work best for our classroom combinations and each individual student. We believe that classroom management strategies, like learning strategies need to be flexible and adjusted from time to time to meet the needs of the students.

We are passionate about creating structured, safe, and respectgul learning environments in each of our classrooms.  We  work hard each day to create a sense of community where all learners, all unique individuals feel safe, valued and respected.


We understand that illnesses, appointments and special events come up for families throughout the year.  If possible please email your child's teacher with as much advanced notice as about your child's absence.  Absences also need to be reported to the office.

Absent Work Policy:

Many times work sent home without the  instructional component of the classroom  can be confusing and overwhelming for parents and students.  Work in advance will not be sent home for absences.

When your child returns to school the teacher will  go over missed assignments with them.  Any work that can be completed at home will come home and your child can have 1 week to complete the work and turn it in.

If your child will be absent for a prolonged period of time please contact your child's teacher.

Ideas for work when absent:

If your child is missing school for a fun event/vacation we will not send work in advance.  A fun activity your child could do is keep a "mini journal".  Pick-up a blank journal from the dollar tree, or find one laying around the house.  Take it with you on your trip and have your child take 5-10 minutes a day to write in their journal documenting all of the fun activities, sites, memories etc. they are experiencing. Encourage them to be a "descriptive writer and use their 5 senses to describe things.  This could also be an "audio journal". 

 When they return to school we will set aside time for them to share some of their journal if they would like to.

Missing for illness

If your child is missing school due to illness.  We believe the number one priority is for them to rest and recover.  We understand that when they begin to feel better and are not permitted at school yet they may want to get a jump on school work so they are not behind.  Again school work without context and instruction is not beneficial.  If your child is feeling better and needs a learning activity we would encourage your child to find a cozy spot for independent reading,  audio books are also great! (Epic or Storyline online).  Also practicing multiplication and division facts is another great learning activity to do at home anytime.


Please see our communications page for more details regarding communication policies in 3rd grade

Ms. Bailey


Mrs. Brooks


Mrs. Knigge


Mrs. Myers



We love to celebrate birthdays in 3rd grade and make your child feel special on there special day! As per district policy please refrain from sending in food treats. Feel free to send in a non-food treat to share with the class if you would like.


Healthy snacks are important to help students focus throughout the day.  We have two snack times available for students throughout the day.  Please send healthy snacks that will help your child have a successful learning day.