Ms. Vera

Ms. Vera

Hi, my name is Ms. Vera.

I am so very excited to be supporting the amazing 5th graders at Runyon for a second year! I have worked with elementary students for nearly 40 years and the last 8 have been in LPS. I was formerly at Peabody where I worked in SACC, taught K+, and was a Resource Para working with various ages.

In my free time I love to be out in nature! I love gardening and feeding/watching the birds and critters that visit my yard! I keep busy with my rescue dog, my 24 year old cockatiel, and my two small aquariums. I also love to read and you will often find me curled up on my couch with a good book!

Advocating for kids is my passion! I love encouraging students to discover the love of learning! I am so excited to accompany your 5th grade students through their last year of elementary school and help prepare them to soar in middle school!