Bedford Essay and Comparison/Contrast Essay Instruction

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021

Judith Ortiz Cofer “Advanced Biology” (omitted)

Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021


  • When we manipulate we try to influence others but manipulating to attain a selfish end is very different from manipulating to help others.

  • Write a 5 paragraph essay, intro, conclusion, and 3 bodies, comparing and contrasting Grossbart and Marx.

  • See Google Doc.

    • DIRECTIONS: Prepare your 5 paragraph essay by completing the following charts.

    • INTRO AND THESIS: Both Grossbart and Marx manipulate, but while Marx manipulates to help others, Grossbart manipulates to serve only himself.


  • Using Cofer’s essay as your starting point, write a brief essay about the “downside” of the American Dream. You may also want to draw on your own experience if you believe it is relevant to the topic. (Not an option this year.)

Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021

Write Essay

Friday, Dec. 17, 2021

Write Essay

Essay is due Mon., Dec. 20th at the beginning of class.