Student Resources

What's New in the Media Center?

Many new things happening in our media center, great progress is being made on our online library management system, and numerous technology updates. 

Library classes are held once a week for thirty minutes. Class is split into ten-minute increments; library book check out/in, lesson & activity with Miss Meeks, and tech time (typing, coding, etc.). 

STEM classes are held once a week for forty-five minutes for grades three through six. Students will be challenged to utilize skills such as; critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, problem-solving, and more! 

Miss Meeks is still teaching the sophomore Personal Finance class the last hour of the day. In this year-long course, we cover an array of units such as; Checkings, Savings, Types of Credit, Managing Credit, Budgeting, Careers, Paying For College, Taxes, Investing, Behavioral Economics, Insurance, and Consumer Skills.


Find districts used apps for class, research, or even free time. If there is one that seems to be missing please contact or see your media specialist!

News You Can Use

National and Local

Online Newspapers 

Need a different paper? Come check out the library to see if we have a hard copy! If not your media specialist will help where she can to help you find what you're looking for!

Nebraska Access

If you are having trouble logging in, please see or contact the media specialist for help!