How to Join In

Here's a rough and ready screencast to help you set up your bower:

  • DM @loumycroft on Twitter or Messenger with your email address (it will need to be a gmail, sorry, we can't get round this).

  • We'll send you an invite so that you can edit (not just view).

  • Follow the link and join the site.

  • Click on the Pencil icon (bottom right) to edit. If you are using IoS (iPad, iPhone or Mac) you will need to access the site via Chrome. It's the only way Google will talk to Apple.

  • In Edit mode, click Pages (to the right) and add your own page by clicking the + sign (bottom right).

  • Your Bower has two levels of visibility: a) visible to the world or b) visible to you + the owners of the other bowers. If you choose b) remember to hide your page from navigation. Follow the screencast above if you're not sure how.

  • Have a play around - you can't break it and the Bowerbird is always hopping around to tidy up! Once you've made changes, remember to click Publish.