
Primary students can find their at-home activity ideas right here!

Click on the grade level button for specific academic activities created by our teachers.

Scroll down further for information about how to access Clever and many of our online resources.

Additional Academic Resources

We also have many other resources and instructional tools available. You can access all our district academic resources (like library ebooks, online math and science resources, and educational games) via our Clever Portal.

If you need help signing into Clever, click here.

What's available for primary students in their Clever portal?

Scroll through the resources below to preview a few of the sites and activities you can access through Clever.


Istation provides individualized instruction in math and reading based on your student's needs.

BrainPOP Jr.

Lessons and activities in multiple subjects!


Lessons, activities, and educational games for multiple subjects!


Lots of digital books!

*You will need a teacher access code for this one. Reach out to your classroom teacher for info.

Storyline Online

More digital reading opportunities with guest readers and audiobooks.

Unite for Literacy

Great digital books for beginning readers.

Education Galaxy

A new tool for our Primary Students, but not new for Elementary. A fun site with educational games and activities and an opportunity for older siblings to "teach" their younger siblings a new program!

PBS Kids

Fun educational games!

Need some more learning ideas?

  • Go on a nature walk and journal (or draw things) you see or find

  • Make shapes, letters and numbers in shaving cream (or salt or sugar) on a cookie sheet

  • Sidewalk chalk sight words

  • Domino adding

  • Make a rock collection/sort them by size or color/paint them

  • Complete some of the reading challenges introduced during Read Across America Week

  • Uno or WAR card games

  • Greater than/Less than with dice

  • Sight Word Hunt (write words on sticky notes and place them around the house for students to find and identify)

  • Write a letter to your teacher (family members or someone in the nursing home)

  • Inference with the game Guess Who or Headbands (can be played on an electronic device)

  • Create a map of your house with a key/legend

  • Create a family memory book

  • Write and illustrate a story

  • Create a noise maker with a plastic bottle and dry rice or beans

  • Have a family dance party

  • Play a family game of kickball

  • Visit GoNoodle app for music and movement

  • Visit theshirleyjourney for LEGO building prompts

  • Visit