Placer 7th/8th Grade

                                 Teacher Websites

  Mr. Franks - History                             Ms. Step - Math                                Mr. Shebest - Science                      Mrs. Swantko - English    

   Sra. Henderson (LUSD World Languages)

7th Week at a Glance
7th/8th Week at a Glance

Important Dates:  

Electronic Devices: Cell Phones, etc...

Electronic Devices (Cell Phones/Smartwatches/Earbuds/Headphones, etc.)

Cell phones and electronic devices, except Smartwatches, must be kept in backpacks and are to be turned off upon arrival to school. Smartwatches, if worn, must be on airplane or school mode during the instructional day.  Personal electronic devices are not to be used during the school day, including recesses, lunch and passing periods. With teacher approval, students may use their personal electronic devices in the classroom for specific teacher lead activities. Personal electronic devices may be used after school once students are dismissed. Students who violate this policy will receive the following consequences:

First Offense: Cell phone and/or electronic devices will be confiscated and students will be permitted to retrieve them after school.

Second Offense: Cell phone and/or electronic devices will be confiscated and parent(s) will be permitted to retrieve them after school.

Third Offense: Cell phone and/or electronic devices will be required to be checked in at the office upon arrival and picked up at the end of the day. In some circumstances, students may be prohibited from bringing cell phones and/or electronic devices to school for an extended period of time.

Fourth Offense: Students will be subject to further disciplinary action at the discretion of the site administrator.  

*In all above cases, additional consequences (demerits, etc.) may be given as the result of infractions.

*LUSD schools are not liable or responsible for loss or damages to cell phones and electronic devices brought to school.

If parents are volunteering or visiting the school/classroom, we kindly ask that their cell phones be turned off or silenced so as to not disrupt the learning environment.

Dress Code

The major responsibility for dress and grooming is placed upon the student and the student’s parents/guardians. The following guidelines are intended to define appropriate student attire and personal grooming compatible with educational activities. The purpose is to prevent disruption of the classroom atmosphere, encourage appropriate dress for the school setting, eliminate disturbances among students in attendance, minimize student distraction so as not to interfere with the educational process, and to help protect the health, safety, and welfare of the individual student.

Please refer to the parent handbook for a detailed list.