Assessments/Statewide Testing*

Teachers utilize student assessments to check for understanding, to guide instruction to meet the needs of individual students, and to provide classroom intervention/enrichment opportunities for all students. In addition to the various informal and formal assessments that your child's teacher conducts on a regular basis, the Loomis Union School District participates in the following formal assessments:

  • CAST Science Assessments - Grades 5 and 8*
  • California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) - Grades 3 through 8*
  • District Writing Assessments - All grades
  • Constitution Competency Test - Grade 8
  • P.E. Testing - Grades 5 and 7
  • Renaissance Learning/Math and Reading Assessments - All grades
  • GATE Assessments - Grade 2 and Grades 3-8 that meet specific criteria

*A parent or guardian may annually submit to the school a written request to excuse his or her child from any or all parts of any California Statewide Assessment tests provided.