Mrs. Sylvester's Homework

ELA Homework

March Monthly Topics - Due Tuesday, March 31.

Please review expectations for this assignment. The rubric is posted on Google Classroom.

Reading Logs or Sketchquotes are due Friday. - Read for 20 minutes, 4 times a week or complete a Sketchquote (See expectations on Google Classroom). Record quote and reason you chose that quote.

If you are struggling to make up missed work due to absences, please see me on Tuesday or Thursday after school to develop a plan.

Also, this week, we will begin literature circles. Although you are given class time to read and prepare, you might need to finish the assignment at home. You are expected to have completed the reading and a role sheet for each meeting. The role sheets will be graded as "classwork" assignments.

Science Homework

Investigation 4 I-Check is scheduled for Thursday, March 5.

Study Guide - 6 Boxes - due March 5.