Mrs. Lawson

Math Homework

March 14

Happy Pi Day!!!!

As you all know we are now on a "vacation" for two weeks. I will be posting the work you need to complete on my google classroom. Let me know if you have any questions.

March 11

Check Power School, grades close tomorrow...

March 11

Finish the problems for the study guide. Review and complete "left over" problems from homework for any concept you need more practice with.

March 10

Word problem practice evens,, remember to check your solutions


Equation Maze

Test on Thursday

March 9


finish the problems from class, the two from our notes and BOTH sides of the problem page


The KUTA software word problems # 1-5, 12 # 6and 7 are EC

March 5

Finish classwork 7.2 and 7.3 practice A multiples of 3


7.2 or 7.3 enrichment

Test Wednesday

March 3

7.2 Practice B odds OR journal page 158. MAKE SURE you solve by undoing operations on both sides of the equal sign AND complete the check.

March 4

Journal page 162 OR 7.2 practice A 1-16 evens 17-23 ALL

Test on Wednesday

March 2

7.1 Practice A evens OR Enrichment

Feb 26

Finish the review for the test tomorrow.

Solutions on Google classroom

Feb 25

Journal page 147-148 or Practice B

Test Thursday

Feb. 24

Jouranal page 142

OR Practice B

Feb 14

Happy Valentines Day

For extra credit (test bonus) complete the Valentines Coordinate plane picture, including coloring it with at least four colors.

Happy February Vacation!!!!

Feb. 11

Journal page 146


Practice B 6.5

Quiz Thursday

Feb 12

6.3 practice A solutions on google classroom

Nearpod review on google classroom

Quiz tomorrow

Feb. 10

Check your grades on google classroom for missing and low grades!!! Come and see me to catch up or redo assignments!!!!!!!!

A block: Journal page 138 or 6.3 practice B evens

E block: 6.2 practice A or enrichment

Feb. 10

E block ONLY

journal pg. 138

OR practice B evens

Quiz Thursday

Feb 6

A block only

Enrichment/finish classwork as well


Practice A

All due Monday

Quiz Thursday

Feb. 5

Journal page 134


6.2 practice B ODDS

Quiz Thursday next week.

Feb 4

Journal page 130 OR Practice B

Feb. 3

Complete % problems worksheets if you have not already

Copies on my google classroom

Jan. 31

Practice skills ODDS (8-2)

Pop Quiz on Monday


  • the % triangle
  • solving problems with proportions

Jan. 30

Use proportions to solve the even problems on Practice skills (8-2)

Jan. 29

Finish classwork

Remember I will NOT be in tomorrow morning for extra help.

I will NOT be available for extra help this Thursday morning Jan. 30

Jan 24

Facing math

Solutions on google classroom

Jan 23

Pratice B odds

Test Tuesday

Jan 22

Practice B evens OR

Enrichment ALL

Test Tuesday

Jan. 21

Practice B ODDS or Enrichment ALL

Jan. 17

Evens of which ever practice you completed last night;-)

Jan. 16

EITHER practice A or B . EVENS

Extra credit complete the word problems from our notes today

Jan 15

Journal page 116

OR Practice B ODDS only

Jan. 14

Complete Common equivalents table

Jan. 13

Journal pages 113-115 if you did not finish in class; packet all four pages

Jan. 10

Weekly Practice

Jan. 9

TEST TOMORROW. Finish the review and the Nearpod review

Jan. 8

Finish review for Friday, solutions on google classroom

Nearpod, link on google classroom

Jan. 7

Journal page 112 OR enrichment

TEST Friday

Jan. 6

Journal pages 109-111

TEST on Friday

Jan. 3

Practice A or enrichment

Weekly Practice

  • regular, #4 the hole punch took out divide by 7

Jan. 2 Rates and Unit Rates

Jurnal page 108


Practice B

Dec. 19

Practice B 5.2 ratio Tables

Dec. 12

INBs graded TOMORROW!!!

New one needed for TOMORROW!!!

Dec. 11

Finish the review. Solutions are on my google classroom.

You will need an NEW INB for Friday.

I will GRADING your INB this week!!!!!!

Nov. 10


practice B or enrichment

Nov. 9

Page 92 in your journal, if you did not complete it in class, page 94

Dec. 6

Worksheet or practice


Dec. 4

Journal page 88


Practice B

Dec. 5

Journal page 89 or Journal page 90

Both extra credit

Nov. 27

Finish the Pilgrim Hat picture for extra credit

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Nov. 26

Weekly practice

Nov. 25

Finish Review for the quiz tomorrow

Page 165 plus the area/circumference worksheet.

Solutions are posted on google classroom.

Nov. 22

Group B 8.1 work sheet

Group A 14-3 worksheet only the circled problems

Quiz on Tuesday

Nov. 21

Worksheet on circumference and area of circles.

QUIZ on Tuesday.

Nov. 20

Group A- Practice A all practice B is extra credit

Group B Finish classwork.

TRI-SEMESTER 1 ENDS next Wednesday. Any error analysis, group work redo or other make up work MUST be done by then.

Nov. 19

Please have your Error Analysis and redo work in by Monday.

Chapter 4 Quiz Tuesday.

Group A journal page 84

Group B finish classwork

Nov. 18

Either Practice A or B depending on your group. Other side is EC

Nov. 13

Complete the practice test solutions on google classroom

Nov. 12

Journal page 72

Begin review for test on Thursday

Nov. 10

I put some videos up on my google classroom to help you review the properties.

You can choose which ones you need help with or watch them all. Each are just a few minutes long.

Nov. 5

Write a word problem

Weekly practice

Nov. 8

Journal page 60

Nov. 4

Complete quiz review solutions on google classroom

Quiz tomorrow

Nov.6 and 7

Practice A and B

Test Thursday

Oct. 30

Finish review (Solutions on google classroom), continue to use quizlet to study vocabulary

Oct. 31

Journal page 60 OR work sheet B odds (if you didn't finish in class)

QUIZ Tuesday

Weekly Practice

Oct. 29th

Continue to study for the test and your weekly practice.

Make sure your INB is up to date, all notes, dates, and t of C

Finish pages in the INB from class today

Oct. 28

I posted the solutions to the practice test on my google classroom.

Oct. 28

TEST Wednesday. Continue to work on the practice test. ADDING and SUBTRACTING fractions WILL be on the test.

INB check on Wed.

Weekly Practice

Oct. 23

Journal page 54 OR practice A evens

Test Tuesday

Oct. 25

Chapter Test Tuesday.

Start your review (Practice test)

Weekly Practice

Important Reminders:

  • You can complete an error analysis to earn points back on tests.
  • Check your weekly practice BEFORE you had it in. Due EVERY Thursday.
  • You can redo group work to receive 100%
  • My extra help is Monday-Thursday at 8 am. NO appointment needed JUST stop in.

Oct. 24

Weekly Practice

Start review Test Tuesday

Oct. 11

Journal page 42


Oct. 21

Journal page 20

Oct. 16

Finish review for quiz on FRIDAY (postponed from Thursday). Solutions on my google classroom.

Oct. 10 2.2.Practice B worksheet. EVENS

Quiz Thursday

Start Weekly Practice

Oct. 7


Oct. 4

Finish classwork, PEMDAS with fractions


OCT. 7

Journal page 38

WISH TREE problem due FRIDAY

Oct. 3

Journal page 34

Replenish your tape supply

Weekly practice

Oct. 2

Journal pages 32-33

Oct. 1

Journal page 27 and 28 odds

Finish INB if not done in class

Sept 26

Finish Practice test

Solutions on Google classroom

Sept 23

Practice word problem work sheet

Extra credit Journal page 22 odds

Sept 24

Jouranal page 26


Weekly practice due THURSDAY

5 Sept Page 5 in practice journal

6 Sept page 6 in practice journal # 1-6 ONLY

7 Sept

Online Math book

You will be able to access your text book on line. In addition to the text book pages there are self-check quizzes that you can access to help you study for assessments.

Check out the web site!!!

Click on the link

Choose common core 2014

Choose the Green book

You should be there!!

Sept. 9

Page 6 in journal finish

Sept 10

Maintenance Skills page 31 # 1-9

Sept 11

Maintenance Skill page 32 #1-9

QUIZ tomorrow

13 September

Journal page 10. Show me ALL your work. Numbers 1-6 are just in exponential form;-)

Sept 16

Pages 11 and 12 Journal a-h (g and h are on page 12)

Sept 17

Journal page 14. MAKE SURE you show ALL your work. You may need another piece of paper.

Sept 18

Journal page 18

Sept 19

Practice Word Problem worksheet. ALL six problems.


Journal page 22 evens