Speech-Language Pathology

Kindergarten-Fifth Grade

Blueberry Hill School 

Hello Families,

Explore this site where you will find many useful resources. Scroll down through each page to be sure not to miss any of the goodies!

In this Home page are guidelines for enhancing  communication in remote learning, accessibility settings in digital resources, speech-language developmental expectations,  and the expected process when students present with speech-language errors. We have also posted here a photo collage with some common speech sound error pairs, taken from our "What Sound Do You See?" hallway installation.

We have posted links under the Fun tab on this website for you to enjoy practicing your child's developing speech-language skills. Remember modeling more precise productions and/or re-casting any errors in speech and/or language that your child may make versus correcting them directly, will go a long way to help them enjoy these activities as they retain, if not, build these skills!

 You will find valuable tips to get conversations going  from the Parents Magazine article in the Talk to Them page. 

And finally, the Different Needs page has dynamic videos and read-alouds detailing some of the varied needs of our students. 

We hope you find this site very helpful!

Take Care,

Maureen & Eva

Ms. Maureen Yelle

Speech-Language Pathologist

Mrs. Eva Cabral

Speech-Language Pathology Assistant

Enhancing Communication in Remote Learning

Video conferencing synchronously/live or asynchronously/recorded

 -Use kind words, use a respectful tone, and have patience with one another.

 -Remember to listen carefully, stay on topic,  and wait your turn, (yes: you CAN raise your hand).

 -Offers a bit of  privacy to all participants as their voice will only be heard by your ears not by all of your housemates

 -Greatly enhances audio signals, lessens echoing/reverberations/ambient noises so listeners can better hear and better focus on your voice

-Saves your voice as the built in       microphones pick up your regular “6 inch” voice

-Have your head to your waist visible

-Have you hands resting on desk in front of you, gesturing typically, but no extra movement

-Your background should be as plain as possible, preferably not in front of a window, and with your main light sources in front of you.

Accessibility Settings for Viewing and Reading Digital Materials

Many of us daily  benefit from customizing our viewing and reading settings on our devices. Whenever  “Digital Learning Fatigue” sets in, many more of you will likely benefit from trying these tips to have a better experience with your digital learning. We've included ChromeBook instructions here, but all your devices will have similar features when you look into the settings.

-Adjusting size of the image: Control/shift/+  to zoom in and control/shift/-  to zoom out on your screen in a google ChromeBook 

-Adjusting contrast: Accessibility settings alt E then S for settings then click accessibility for Increasing contrast

- Text to speech allows you to listen to the text, and it needs to be initially set up in settings

 -You can turn ChromeVox on or off      from any page by pressing           Ctrl+Alt+z 

-ChromeVox will read the text under your cursor when you press Search+ o, then o. Turn on “Speak Text Under the Mouse”.  Anywhere you move your text around the screen will be read to you. 

This link provides more  information on ChromeBook accessibility features: https://support.google.com/chromebook

Speech-Language Developmental Expectations

Your Child's Language Development

"What should I expect my child's speech and language development to be during elementary school?"

Use these guides: Choose a grade level to learn about common developmental milestones and school expectations for children at that level.



First Grade


Second Grade


Third Grade


Fourth Grade


Fifth Grade


Your Child's Speech Sound Acquisition

These colorful numbers offer a visual explanation of ages these sounds appear/emerge within normal developmental range. 


Expected Process to Address Students' Speech-Language Errors

Your child’s teacher will model and cue for more precise production of speech sounds in error and/or for correcting language errors.

Should intelligibility be significantly compromised or the language skills not be improving with the teacher's models and cues, then your child’s teacher will consult with the Child Study Team (CST) team for a possible Special Education and/or Speech-Language Pathology evaluation to determine if special needs exist that are in need of specialized instruction outside of the general education classroom. 

Common Errors in later developing Sounds R/W TH/F