Fun With Language

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We all need to take care of our voices. Yelling and/or Whispering can sometimes have long term effects, straining our vocal chords, causing voices to sound breathy or raspy. One way to maintain a healthy voice is use an expected voice volume.  

Our "gem" that we have enjoyed using in our speech-language sessions, to help monitor our volume in a silly visual way is "Bouncy Balls".

Play around with the settings. Change the balls to bubbles or emojis or even eyeballs. Go ahead: Have a Ball!

Another gem:

Try this "Wheel of Names" for a fun way to randomize turn taking in your game playing, or randomize question words (who, what, when, where) to use for conversation, for active reading, or active viewing.

And...Yet Another Gem:

As focus wanes with the remote learning fatigue taking hold, try this fun multi-step direction following activity! 

Do It Yourself Study Carrel

We use study carrels often in our classrooms to provide privacy and increase focus. Our classrooms are also filled with colorful references like those posted right below the construction directions, for you to print. Customize and have fun using some of the cartons from all your deliveries. Grab them quickly from your recycling bins: Is this week paper/cardboard pick-up!?

DIY Study Carrel with printable color references