long field spencer academy


Our Curriculum

At Long Field Spencer Academy, our Science department are passionate about their subject and work tirelessly to impart their expertise onto students with a constant focus on preparing them for GCSE, A-level and beyond.

Students in Key Stage 3 will study a rotation of Biology, Chemistry and Physics units for three hours a week. This includes many opportunities for practical learning, focussing on improving their scientific skills, promoting curiosity and their enjoyment of the subject. At Key Stage 4, all students cover separate sciences initially, as this gives them a thorough understanding of scientific principles, enabling them to study further science at KS5 and University. In Year 11, students then take either the separate sciences or combined science pathway for their GCSE examinations.

Throughout the Science curriculum, we have a focus on ensuring that all students develop a love of learning, the ability to ask important questions and devise a plan to help solve problems. Built into the curriculum are regular opportunities for students to retrieve previous knowledge and make links both between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 topics, as well as within the Key Stage 4 curriculum. In the Science department, we strongly believe that a comprehensive understanding of the principle underpinnings of Science, will help to solve the problems the world faces and provide the scientists of tomorrow.

For a full overview of the science curriculum please click here.

Our Resources

Our website contains a number of resources to aid both students and parents in Science, including Personalised Learning Checklists (PLC’s), past papers, revision materials, videos and flashcards. Click the link of the area you wish to explore below:

Our Department

You can find contact information for all of the Science Department here, should parents or students wish to get in touch with their teacher. You can also email science@longfieldspencer.org.uk

Mr A Saltinstall
Head of Science

Mrs S Hardy
Second in Science

Mr S Rowbotham
Teacher of Science / Assistant Principal

Mr I Tringali
Teacher of Science / Head of Pegasus House

Miss H Spencer
Teacher of Science

Miss E Toader
Teacher of Science

Mrs N Kennedy
Teacher of Science

Mrs A Pryor
Science Teaching Assistant

Mrs A Cooper
Lab Technician

There are three other members of the Science Department, who do not have any teaching duties:


Missy is our pet Chameleon. Chameleon's are usually found in Africa, but some species are also found in southern Europe and India. Chameleon's are able to change their colour to attract mates, control body temperature and warn potential predators away.


Axel is one of our two pet Axolotl's. Axolotl's are only found in the wild in one place - the Xochimilco lake complex in Mexico. Axolotl's are amphibians, closely related to Salamanders, that spend their entire lives underwater. Axolotl's are an endangered species.


Lottie is our other pet Axolotl. Like other Axolotl's, Lottie will keep growing her entire life. This means that Axolot's are able to regenerate body parts, including limbs and their tail! The diet of Axolotl's usually consists of worms, insect larvae and some fish.