Experiential Learning & Social Emotional Learning

These companies provide PD and other Experiential Learning Resources as it relates to SEL. It is important for the staff to experience SEL PD so that they truly understand the concepts and impact these activities will have on the children. The Browne Center offers great resources about SELA (Social Emotional Learning in Action)

INQUIRY ADVENTURES - https://inquiryadventures.com/ - PD Workshops, books, products

PROJECT ADVENTURE - http://www.pa.org/SEL.html - PD for staff, students, consulting & mindfulness training

BROWNE CENTER - https://brownecenter.com/how-is-social-emotional-learning-in-action-sela-differentiated-from-other-sel-programs/

The book by Tara Flippo has many experiential SEL activities that are easy to implement. Service Learning Projects that tie into curricular themes are also another way to incorporate EL in SEL.

Experiential Learning (EL) is a key aspect of SEL because the cycle allows for direct participation, a reflection of the experience, the opportunity to create meaning from what occurred and was discussed, and the ability to test the new skills or ideas in real life settings.

Our district uses two EL SEL programs that the students love.

Peek-a-Pak uses game design/digital simulation structures. The program offers lessons (K-5) that are based on SEL competencies and grouped by theme. There is an opening story that lays the foundation for the theme and then about 10 lessons on each theme. The characters are a mix of cartoon children and talking animals that the kids really took an interest in right away. Half of the lessons involve the children playing games and completing tasks in the imaginary world of Peekaville. Each child has a log in and every time they log in the first thing they do is an emotional check in where they click on the face that is similar to their mood. The program can track that data as well. The students really like the online component of this program. The mix of stories, hands on activities (role playing, etc.), and the online gaming component allows for the lessons to truly become integrated in the child’s schema. There are guided reading leveled books and the parents can log on at home with their children to reinforce the skills at home.


SILAS - The program includes three levels of social skills and vocational curriculums. SiLAS is also flexible to meet the needs of the district's curriculum. Students can choose from 20 emotion-expressing avatars that best represent them to make a movie. The avatars are controlled by video-game controllers and headset microphones, resembling a student's favorite video game! The software tracks teacher assessments on a variety of student performance metrics and associates them with each movie a student creates. It was created for students with special needs to help them work on social skills, but this program is easily used in counseling groups or 1:1 sessions with any student struggling to work on a new skill. The program also provides lessons to reinforce the skills. It saves all of the student's videos so counselors and parents can see the child's progress.


Remember the best way to teach SEL concepts is through stories, games, songs, role playing, and modeling. These approaches allow children to personally connect with the material and imprint the concepts. Children learn best what they see, and educators (and parents) need to remember to always model the behaviors they want to see in their children. Teachers (and parents) need to be there for their children and help them work through their issues or feelings by giving them the tools they need to be successful.