Get Set Schedule

Our programs for Get Set

7:00-8:00- Arrival - Greeting the Get Setters/Parent Communication Free Play

Art, Sensory, Language, Math, Fine Motor; Child-Initiated Activities

8:00–8:30 Breakfast

8:30–8:50 Circle Time

Finger Plays, Songs, Welcoming Activities

8:50–9:15 Centers/Free Play

Art, Sensory, Math, Language, Computer, Dramatic Play, and Child-Initiated Activities

9:15–10:00 Art & Sensory

Creative activities enhance emotional development: Finger Painting, Pasting, Sand & Water Table, Clay, Crayons, Water Colors, Etc.

10:00–10:15 AM Snack

10:15–10:30 Language Skills/Library/Storytelling

Emphasis on Language Development: Puppets, Games, Age-Appropriate Books, Rhymes, Etc.

10:30–11:00 Playground Time

Gross Motor Skills, Coordination, Balance, Tossing Balls, Etc.

11:00–12:00 Lunch

12:30–2:30 Rest Time

2:30–3:00  PM Snack Time

Nutritious snack will be served, Manners Matter, Potty Time, Etc.

3:00–3:20 Fine Motor and Math Skills

Matching, Classifying, Numbers

3:20–3:40 Centers/Free Play

Art, Sensory, Math, Language, Computer, Dramatic Play, and Child-Initiated Activities

3:40-4:00- Circle Time

Finger Plays, Songs, Goodbye Songs