
Research Writing Prompts

Conduct a simple research projects that builds on your knowledge about a topic.

You should use digital and print media to explore the topic, take simple notes, and create a basic outline before beginning the writing process.

  1. State History. What is the history of your state? Research the history and write an essay about one key event in your state's past.

  2. Marsupials. Marsupials are animals who carry their babies in pouches. With the exception of the opossum, all marsupials live in Australia. Choose one of them to learn more about.

  3. Insects. They may be small, but insects play an important role in our environment. Choose an insect to research and write an essay about its characteristics.

  4. Jaws! Are Great White sharks really man-eaters? Research this question and write an essay about your answer.

  5. Bat Signal. How do bats use echolocation?

  6. Explorers. Choose a famous (or not-so-famous) explorer to research.

  7. Comic Book Heroes. When was the first comic book published and what was it about?

  8. Extreme Weather. Choose an extreme weather event such as a tornado, hurricane, or tsunami, and explain its cause.

  9. International Space Station. Learn more about the International Space Station: how it's used, who visits it, and why it's important. Write an essay about your findings.

  10. Ben Franklin, Inventor. Many people know Benjamin Franklin as a Founding Father and statesman, but he was also an inventor. Learn about some of the things he invented.

  11. Legends. Research a popular legend such as the Lost City of Atlantis, Big Foot, or Paul Bunyan. Write an essay describing the evidence for or against the legend.

  12. Presidential History. Research the childhood of one American president and write an essay about what you learn.