
Informative Essay Prompts

Informative essays introduce a topic, explain a process, or describe an idea, then provide facts, definitions, and details.

You should organize related information into paragraphs in order to write the most logical essay possible. Remember that they should also include introductory and concluding paragraphs.

  1. Real Superheroes. Superheroes in movies and comics can do some pretty amazing things, but think of someone you consider to be a real-life hero. What do (or did) they do that makes them a hero?

  2. Liar, Liar. Someone told your best friend a lie about you and your friend believed them. Explain how you’d handle the situation.

  3. Student Teacher. Think of something that you found difficult to do at first (such as multiplication or tying your shoes), but that you now understand. Explain the process so that someone else could learn to do it.

  4. Holidays. What is your favorite holiday? Explain how you celebrate it.

  5. Pet Sitter. Your family is going on vacation and a pet-sitter is coming to care for your pets. Write a note explaining how to care for them.

  6. PB&J. Write out the step-by-step process for making the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  7. Chores. What is a household chore for which you are responsible? Explain how to do it.

  8. Emergency Drills. Think of one emergency drill that your school practices. Write a paper describing exactly how to do it as if you were explaining it to a brand-new student.

  9. Allergies. Do you have a serious allergy to something like peanuts or milk? Write an essay explaining why it’s so important for you not to come into contact with the allergen.

  10. Color Wheel. What is your favorite color? Choose an animal or object that is that color and describe it.

  11. State Fun Facts. Describe some interesting facts about your state to someone who has never visited.

  12. Family Traditions. Describe a unique family tradition that your family has.

  13. Game On. What's your favorite game? Explain the rules to someone who has never played it before.