Green Careers

Green Careers

A green career can be any occupation that is affected by activities such as conserving energy, developing alternative energy, reducing pollution, or recycling. Green careers fall into three groups: Some areas that have green job opportunities are:

Agriculture and forestry. Includes careers related to using natural pesticides, efficient land management or farming, and aquaculture.

Energy and carbon capture and storage. Includes careers related to capturing and storing energy and/or carbon emissions, as well as technologies related to power plants using the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technique.

Energy efficiency. Includes careers related to increasing energy efficiency (broadly defined), making energy demand response more effective, constructing “smart grids,” and so forth.

Energy trading. Includes careers related to buying and selling energy as an economic commodity, as well as carbon trading projects.

Environment protection. Includes careers related to environmental remediation, climate change adaptation, and ensuring or enhancing air quality.

Governmental and regulatory administration. Includes careers by public and private organizations associated with conservation and pollution prevention, regulation enforcement, and policy analysis and advocacy.

Green construction. Includes careers related to constructing new green buildings, retrofitting residential and commercial buildings, and installing other green construction technology.

Manufacturing. Includes careers related to industrial manufacturing of green technology as well as energy efficient manufacturing processes.

Recycling and waste reduction. Includes careers related to solid waste and wastewater management, treatment, and reduction, as well as processing recyclable materials.

Renewable energy generation. Includes careers related to developing and using energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass. This sector also includes traditional, non-renewable sources of energy undergoing significant green technological changes (e.g., oil, coal, gas, and nuclear).

Research, design, and consulting services. This sector encompasses “indirect jobs” to the green economy which includes activities such as energy consulting or research and other related business services.

Transportation. Includes careers related to increasing efficiency and/or reducing environmental impact of various modes of transportation including trucking, mass transit, freight rail, and so forth.

For more information about green careers visit NASA Climate Kids, Green PBS Kids, Science News for Students, or National Geographic