Lompoc high

Theatre Arts


Musical Theatre


Length: Year 

Credits: 10 CR (may be repeated for credit) 

Grades: 9 - 12 

Prerequisites: 2.0 GPA for performance 

Homework: Rehearsals, line memorization, performances, and written assignments. Students must attend all LHS main stage productions. 

This class in theatre is aimed at the student who wants a general survey in theatre. The course of study will include theatre history, theatre criticism, theatre terminology, styles and varieties of drama, play production, play reading, scene work, voice (both speaking and singing) and diction, and improvisation. The class will also furnish the foundation necessary for the student who plans to be a theatre major. There will be strong emphasis on reading, writing, and oral communication. Students will gain theatrical experience through project based learning by performing in class for an audience.

Musical Theatre 2


Length: Year 

Credits: 10 CR (may be repeated for credit) 

Grades: 10 - 12 

Prerequisites: Musical Theatre 

Homework: Rehearsals and performances as assigned, scene-writing, occasional written critiques of productions in the community and at LHS. Students must attend all LHS mainstage productions. 

Musical Theatre 2 is designed to put learning into practice through theatrical productions. This will include performing in as well as working on one or more of the production crews in preparing and producing live performances. In addition to main stage productions, performance could include a variety of community service ensemble work, affording the student experience in performing children’s theatre, readers’ theatre, and original and prepared scenes and one-act plays. Students will continue to

Advanced Musical Theatre


Length: Year 

Credits: 10 CR; (may be repeated for credit) 

Grades: 10 - 12 

Prerequisites: Teacher approval, 2.0 GPA for performances outside of class 

Homework: Rehearsals, performances as assigned, scene-writing, occasional written critiques of productions in the community and at LHS. Students must attend all LHS main stage productions. 

This course is designed to “put experience to practice” through theatrical productions. This will include working on one or more of the production crews in preparing and producing live performances. In addition to main stage productions, performance could include a variety of community service ensemble work, affording the student experience in performing children’s theatre, readers’ theatre, and original and prepared scenes and one-acts. Students will continue to study theatre history and terminology, and will be required to assume various roles (both technical and acting) in productions.

Technical Theatre


Length: Year (may be repeated for credit) 

Credits: 10 CR 

Grades: 10 - 12 

Prerequisites: ‘C’ grade or better in Musical Theatre or Advanced Musical Theatre or teacher approval 

This course focuses on the behind-the-scenes elements of play production. The course is primarily concerned with studying a particular production, the director’s needs therefore, creating and completing a design (set, lighting, and sound) based on the production needs, and evaluating the success of the design at the conclusion of the production (play, musical, dance concert, etc.). Students will read the play or excerpts from the play in order to make connections between the production concept for a show and the message/story of the play. Technical Theatre also supports other performing arts venues (dance, instrumental and vocal music, and art) by physically constructing, painting and decorating sets.

Advanced Technical Theatre


Length: Year 

Credits: 10 CR (may be repeated for credit) 

Grades: 11 - 12 

Prerequisites: Musical Theatre (aka Beginning Drama) AND Technical Theatre 

Homework: Rehearsals and performances as assigned. Some after school or weekend work days may be required, particularly in the weeks leading up to the opening of a main stage performance. 

Students must attend all LHS main stage productions and should apply to be on the run crew for main stage productions. Technical Theatre focuses on the behind-the-scenes elements of play production. The course is primarily concerned with studying a particular production, the director’s needs therefore, creating and completing a design (set, lighting, sound, costuming, make-up, and publicity/marketing), and evaluating the success of the design at the conclusion of the production (play, musical, themed dance concert, etc.). Students will read the play/musical or excerpts therefrom in order to make connections between the production concept for a show and the message/story of the play. Students learn about different scenic strategies used throughout history (for example Greek periaktoi) and how they have influenced modern scenic designs. Advanced Technical Theatre also supports other performing arts groups on the high school campus by designing, building, and painting specialty set pieces for performance needs. Since this is an advanced version of Technical Theatre, students are expected to function as the crew leads for each element of the production process: paints lead, lighting designer, sound designer, shop foreperson, props lead, costume designer, production stage manager, etc.


Length: Year 

Credits: 10 CR (may be repeated) 

Grades: 11 - 12 

Prerequisites: Musical Theatre with a ‘C’ or better and teacher approval 

This class focuses on the analysis and staging of theatrical productions, as well as on working with actors to develop characters in the context of a play. The course will begin with short (2-4 minute) scenes in which the directing students will stage a performance using other theatre students as actors. Throughout the year, the scenes assigned increase in length, leading up to a 10-minute play or one-act play, depending on the size of the class. Students will read and analyze plays, study movement and advanced blocking symbols, experience the challenges of working with actors, and discover the detailed needs of forming a production concept. Directing will be offered simultaneously with a Musical Theatre class.

Theatre Quest