week 2 (8/21 - 8/24)

Zoom Daily Meeting

Our class will have a Reading or CASAS Prep Hour from 8:30 - 9:30 am every morning, then our daily meeting starting at 9:30 am every morning. We will have a lesson until 11:30 am, then I will be available until 12:30 every day.

This week (Aug 21 - aug 24), we worked on:

1. Burlington English  EL Civics:  Job Resources, Lesson 1: Activity 1

2. CASAS Lesson  Lesson 8: Work Schedule

3. Reading  

4. Mental Health Thursday, Aug. 24 10:00 am - 11:30 am

                            Join Zoom Meeting: https://lompocschools.zoom.us/j/82455807502?pwd=M3ZneUplaFhyYUViYmtxbXIwdHRrUT09

                            Meeting ID:  824 5580 7502          Passcode:  lascc

5. Paragraph Editing

6. Read Naturally 

7. Flow Reading Fluency flowfluency.com

Our class meetings:

ESL2 Zoom 8-22-23.mp4
ESL2 Zoom 8-23-23.mp4
ESL2 Zoom 8-24-23.mp4

this week's Work: