The Counseling Office is open! If you would like to speak with your Counselor come on in or if you wish to speak with a counselor on the phone please give us a call at 805.742.2850

La Oficina de Consejeria esta abierta! Si nececita comunicarse con su consejera venga a la oficina. Tambien puede hablar por telefono al 805.742.2850

Office Hours / Horario: 

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. M-F

Phone / Telefono:  


Fax: 805-742-2917

If you are a student at Cabrillo or an incoming 9th grader and you need more grade specific information please check out our google classrooms! They are updated frequently and provide the latest information anywhere from school events to registration for next years classes. See the codes appropriate for your grade level to the right If you are interested, please also join the google classrooms for our Career Center & Wellness Center!

Si eres un estudiante en la esquela Cabrillo o un estudiante que va a entrar al grado 9 y quieres mas informacion, puedes visitar los sitios de google classroom. Alli puedes encontrar la informacion mas reciente acerca eventos de la esquela o rejistro para el proximo ano escolar. Abajo puedes ver los codigos appropiados para tu grado.  Tambien te puedes unir a la clase de google classroom de el centro de carerras y el centro de bienestar. 

Google Classroom Codes/ Codigos de Google Classroom

Senior Classroom: 3equiny                              

Junior Classroom: o2ry6xj                                            

Sophomore Classroom: 4kkoop5

Freshman Classroom: zfah4zu

Career Center Classroom: 5e3yl2e 

Wellness Center Classroom: oc6y5up   

2025 8th Gr Parent Night.pdf
2025 8th Gr Parent Night Spanish.pdf

Student sites/ Sitios para Estudiantes