Student Page

May is Mental Health Awareness Month at Lodi Middle School

This past year, with COVID, we all have experienced some type of impact on our mental health and wellness (some good and some more difficult). This month at Lodi Middle School we are focusing our homeroom time on realizing the importance of our mental health and wellness, reducing the stigma around mental health, discussing ways to cope and also ways to reach out for help if needed.

Every morning in May students have the option of answering a morning trivia/reflection question about mental health. Grade level winners are chosen at random. LMS students have the option of paying their prize forward with a scoopie token! #LODIPRIDE

Take a look at some of our students "paying it forward"....

7th Graders Paying it Forward!!!

6th Graders Paying it Forward!!!

6th Graders Paying it Forward!!!

8th Graders Paying it Forward!!!

March 2021

Women's History Month

This month, we take time to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of women to culture, history and science and continue to work towards economic, political, educational, and social equality for all women.

2020-2021 School Year/3rd Quarter

Hey, A BIG HELLO to all students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade at Lodi Middle School!!! If you have any questions about ANYTHING, please reach out to me and let me know!-For example, questions about your schedules, technology, school supplies, and/or any issues/concerns you may be having as we continue on this journey through the '20-'21 school year! You can reach me at:

or give me a call at:

(608)-592-3854 Extension 3227

Talk with you soon!

Ms. Baxter

Be the "I" in Kind!

Personal Essentials Drive

February 11-17, 2021

As we go into the middle of February at Lodi Middle School, we continue to find ways for our students and staff to reflect on kindness, gratitude, and service within our school and community. We will be collecting donations for Reach Out Lodi for the remainder of this week! Thank you for considering-Ms. Baxter

This week we will be back in school in the Face to Face Learning Format for some students, while other students will continue to learn and engage exclusively in the Online Learning Format! I want to give a BIG SHOUT-OUT to ALL Middle School STUDENTS for your strength, resilience, and hard work. I am looking forward to this week and I want to let you know that if you have any questions or concerns, please check in with me at my office in school or email me at:


Ms. Baxter

Monday, January 18, 2021

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

MLK Gallery Walk at Lodi Middle School/ January 2021 (located next to Ms. Baxter's Office)

Pictured: Maribeth Fleischmann of Reach Out Lodi receiving school donations from Mr. Franklin, LMS Dean of Students

Thank you Students, Families, and Staff for your participation and donations during GRIT Week 2020!


G.R.I.T. Week/Nov. 30-Dec.4th, 2020

This week, Monday, November 30th through Friday, December 4th is GRIT WEEK at Lodi Middle School! GRIT Week is a school wide week that all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders have the opportunity to participate in during their homeroom check in time from 8:00-8:30 a.m. The focus of GRIT Week is on four topics: Growth Mindset, Resilience, Being Inclusive, and Being Thankful. One of our goals at LMS is to continue to build a positive, inclusive, school culture where we support one another and build each other up! Each day there will be a short video, discussion/dialogue and an optional student activity! We will be collecting non-perishables (list of possible items needed) during the Supply Pick Up time (Dec. 2, 2:00-6:00 p.m.) for any students and/or family members that would like to drop off voluntary donations for Reach Out Lodi. Thank you.

Lodi Middle School



In November, we celebrate

Native American Heritage Month

Please take a look at this video from "The Ways". The Ways is an ongoing series of stories from Native communities around the central Great Lakes. This online educational resource for 6-12 grade students features videos, interactive maps, and digital media exploring contemporary Native culture and language. The Ways supports educators in meeting the requirements of Wisconsin Act 31, seeking to expand and challenge current understanding of Native identity and communities.

6th, 7th, and 8th Grade LMS Students

Academic & Career Planning

Xello is an engaging online academic and career planning program that helps students build the skills, knowledge and plans to be future ready. The program uses an investigative, discovery-based learning process. Students better understand themselves, their future career options, and the 21st century skills they’ll need to succeed. There are interactive lessons where students begin to explore career possibilities and educational pathways. Students will be engaging in lessons throughout the school year.

For more information or further questions, please contact Ms. Baxter at:

September 15th-October 15th, 2020

Hispanic Heritage Month


Lodi Middle School

The "Footbridge" in Richland Center, WI

2019-2020 Posts:

Dear Lodi Middle School Students,

This weekend, I went back to where I grew up, Richland Center, to check in on family and to continue to practice social distancing and self care. As I walked across the long Footbridge on my daily walk, I realized that this week is the last week of the '19-'20 school year for you as students and it has truly been a journey! Thank you to ALL the students who are a part of the LMS community! I want to congratulate our 8th grade students as they make the transition to Lodi High School, where you will start a new journey. To our current 6th and 7th grade students, I am excited to work with you again in the Fall as you make the move to the next grade. In addition, I am also excited to meet our new incoming 6th graders and families! As we go into summer and onto our next journey, whether you are a student or an adult, thank you for all your efforts during this entire year and for being YOU!

Memorial Day 2020

We remember all the men and women who dedicated their lives so we can be a free nation. We honor their courage, devotion, and sacrifice.

Social Emotional Learning

As we go into the summer months, continue to know that everyone has feelings and emotions and they are valid! Please continue to take care of your emotional well-being and mental health. Try to practice regular self-care (as we have routinely discussed) and please reach out to an adult if you need to talk more about getting additional strategies if you feel you need them!

Week of May 18, 2020

Dear LMS Students,

I hope that you all had a good weekend, despite this rainy, windy weather! Sometimes these types of days can lead to boredom, since it is difficult to get outside and do anything. Just remember, sometimes it's on these days that we can use our self care strategies to "get creative". It can really be an opportunity to think and be curious and find an activity we enjoy!


Ms. Tejeda

Week of May 11, 2020


Hello to each of you! May is designated yearly as Mental Health Awareness Month! This is a good reminder, that while academic work is important, we also need to focus on our emotional well being and mental health! This week, please take the time to think of one way you can take care of your mental health. Some examples are exercising, talking with a friend, drawing, or using a journal.

Let me know what you are doing to take care of you!


Ms. Tejeda

my email:

"A Mindful Adventure"

It is important to balance school work while also taking time to get outside and take a "mindful adventure". It appears to be good practice to have a routine and take some breaks for yourself throughout the day. It can feel good to get away from the computer screen and get some fresh air. The picture above was taken last Friday on one of my breaks! The birds were using the crosswalk! If you can this week, find some time for yourself outside and enjoy the sun!

Thank you to 6th Grade Lunch Bunch!

Hey, I want to give a shout out to all the students in 6th Grade Lunch Bunch that came together online last Friday!!! It was cool to listen to how everything has been going for each of you! It was great to hear how online learning is going for each of you and what you have all been doing for fun!!! Thanks for coming together to talk, to listen, and to see one another on the computer screen! We will be getting together again in a few weeks! Thanks again and take care!!!

Challenge Week! Challenge Week! Challenge Week! Look for Details Below!!!

Week of May 4th, 2020

LMS Students,

First of all, just want to say "hello" to all the LMS students. It continues to be a new experience for students and adults on how we "do school" at home. At times, it can be confusing, especially with not knowing when we will return to school and a more normal routine. In having conversations with many of you last week, I've heard about some of the things you have been experiencing and also ways that you are taking care of yourselves. Some of you have told me that you are connecting with adults or friends by talking on the phone or texting, listening to music, drawing, using a journal, getting good sleep, playing with your pets and going for a lot of walks. It is good to know that you are using strategies to take care of your emotional health! You are doing a great job!

Take care,

Ms. Tejeda

Challenge Week:

The CHALLENGE is to send me an email or send me a picture through email of a way or ways that you are taking care of yourself emotionally-(using self care strategies)-Here are some examples: mindfulness and breathing, using a journal, art and drawing, taking care of a pet, exercising, going for a walk, listening to music, dancing, connecting with a friend or adult, etc.

If you choose to complete this will receive a Mandala Coloring Sheet in the mail from me (one per student)!!! Sometimes coloring mandalas can ease stress and anxiety and for many students and adults are fun to complete!

Hope to hear from you and with it being the week of May 4th.....

May the Fourth Be with You.....Ms. Tejeda

Week of April 27th, 2020

Hey, I'm glad that you are checking out the LMS Student Page!!! While it makes me sad to think that I will not see you in person for the rest of the school year, I do want you to know that all the LMS teachers, staff, and myself think about you often and care about how you are doing!!!

I would love to hear from you: Feel free to email me and I'll be in touch!

Take care,

Ms. Tejeda

Week of April 20, 2020

Hello to All LMS Students!

I hope that you all had a nice weekend! With us continuing with our online learning for the remainder of this school year, I will continue to use this "Student Page" as a place to offer updates, resources, and strategies to help support your social emotional learning! (And to say "Hi"!)

Miss you all! Sincerely, Ms. Tejeda

As a reminder, my office hours are Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. My email is:

Two topics for this week:

Breathing and Continuing to Practice Self Care

Breathing!!!! Yes, Breathing!!!!!

Breathing helps calm your body, gets more oxygen to your brain, and helps to focus your energy!!!

  • Inhale: Breathe in slowly

  • Pause: Hold the air briefly

  • Exhale: Breathe out slowly

  • Repeat if you feel like it!

Breathing is one strategy often used to relieve stress and/or anxiety.

Continuing to Practice Self-Care!!!

Take a look at some of these self-care reward stickers-Give yourself credit for using some of the examples of self care strategies that were mentioned last week: getting outside and walking, getting enough sleep, figuring out a routine, setting goals and asking for help!

I decided to put some paper hearts on my window to show support for students and adults who are helping others and also as a reminder that we are all in this together! (The heart colors are also Seattle Seahawks colors!!!)

Week of April 13, 2020

Hello to all Lodi Middle School Students!!! I really miss you all a lot! I want you to know that it's been difficult for me to get into a routine at my place, but as we start Week 3 of online learning, I am starting to get the hang of it! Two things that may assist you in getting into more of a routine are practicing SELF CARE (DAILY) and continuing with POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS....take a look below!!!

As a reminder, if you have any questions, at any time, about your schedules, need to ask about anything, or just want to talk, please contact me at my email:

*Office hours: Monday through Friday 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 2:00-3:00 p.m.


Ms. Tejeda


As a reminder, self care is when you take time to improve your mental, emotional, and/or physical health. Many times when you practice self care, it reduces stress, makes you feel better in the moment, and you may feel, overall, just healthier.

Listed below are a few example:

  • Getting out at least once a day, disconnecting from technology and breathing fresh air

  • Getting good sleep and knowing when your body needs rest

  • Try to eat foods that are good for you when you can and drink water if possible throughout the day

  • Set some short term goals

  • Be ok with asking for help

  • Find an interest or passion and do it-read, dance, draw, kick a soccer ball around, shoot baskets, journal, design something, take care of animals-Do something that you just like doing!


Positive affirmations are thoughts that you can repeat to yourself to, one, feel better, and two, to help work through a situation or a day when you may feel additional stress.

Here are just a few examples:

  • I am strong.

  • I am safe.

  • My thoughts and feelings matter.

  • I am allowed to feel proud of myself.

  • I don't need to be perfect.

  • I don't need to fit in to belong.

  • I can make mistakes and still reach my goals.

  • We are all connected.

If you want to share any positive affirmations that you say to yourself, I'd love to hear them-email me at

4/6/2020 Hello to All LMS Students!

I hope that everyone had a nice weekend! As we go into our second week of our Lodi Middle School building being temporarily closed, I want to share that as a reminder, if you have any questions, at any time about your schedules, need to ask about anything, or just want to talk, please contact me at my email:

*Office hours: Monday through Friday 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 2:00-3:00 p.m.


Ms. Tejeda

Self-Care/Coping Skills

These last few weeks have been quite a change/transition for all of us. As a reminder, it is very important to focus on YOU and to take care of your emotional health. (It's good for adults too-that's why the title says "Middle Schoolers and Beyond"). Try to choose one or two "self care" activities from the list to the right to complete each day!

Let me know what you think!

20 Coping Skills for Middle Schoolers and Beyond

Positive Self Talk

Everyone has "thoughts on the inside". Basically, things we say to ourselves in our minds. Sometimes, when we feel upset or feel a lot of stress, our inside (internal) thoughts can be become negative. Remember to practice positive self talk.


-"I am enough"

-"I can do this"

-"Challenges help me grow".


Students, Please check this out:

Gratitude Program (from the Mayo Clinic). You do 3 things for 4 weeks!

What are the three things?

  1. Find one thing a day to be thankful for.

  2. Do an act of kindness for someone else.

  3. Practice being mindful in the moment. (Being aware and taking time to notice things)

Anyhow, you can find out more information at the Mayo Clinic website and journal-even if you don't have a printer at home, you can use your own paper!

The Power of YOU!

One of the challenges for me last week was not seeing students outside at bus duty or seeing all of you either in the hallways, at lunch, and at recess! What makes each of you wonderful is that you are all unique! You each have strengths, abilities, and talents. I always enjoy hearing about your hobbies or something that interests you AND when you look out for others! So during this time of change and transition, please remember all the things that make you YOU!


Hello from Ms. Tejeda!!!!!!! I hope that everyone is doing well. Don't forget to set aside some down time for yourself! Read a book for fun, listen to some music, learn something new, or just hang out with family. (I've been doing some reading, going for walks, playing board games with my family, and hanging out with my cat. (Oh, and I found another bird at Target to add to my collection). Hey, shout out to the 6th grade lunch bunch: Just so you know, every Tuesday and Friday I am eating lunch and participating in "telephone" with Simon and Skyler...let's just say I miss everyone and will see you all again soon!!!

****Starting March 30th...Monday through Friday, I will be on my laptop from 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m-3:00 p.m. Send me an email to ask questions, give feedback, or if you just want to connect and say "hi!". Thanks!

Pics from "Be the Change" Week...This week was devoted to having information and discussion about the topics of Growth Mindset, Healthy Friendships, Being an Ally, Diversity and Inclusion and Being Generous through our Actions! Take a look at our Picture Carousel!