Transcript or Fee Waiver Request

"Official" Transcripts-This is a transcript that is sealed with the school seal and signed across the back.

Instructions for Current LHS Students:

REQUEST A TRANSCRIPT through your XELLO account.

How students request their Xello transcript be sent to an institution:

  • From your Student Dashboard, under Goals & Plans, students click College Planning.

  • Under College Applications, select the institution where you need to send your transcript sent.

  • Under the Application Checklist find Transcript.

  • To the right, click Request.

  • A banner at the top of the screen will indicate the request was sent.

If you have trouble, Email the Registrars or your CCMR Advisors for assistance:

LHS Registrar Information:

Former LHS Graduates:

Transcripts for Scholarships and Military Recruiters

This is a different process because you'll need to have it in your hands to send to the scholarship organization or the recruiter.

Go to the front office and request to sign up for an Official Transcript Pick Up. After 3 days check back with the front office to pick up your transcript.

Unofficial Transcript Requests

This could just be you wanting to see a copy of your own transcript information. You want to see your rank, you want to see your GPA, or you want to make certain a made up credit has been added, etc.

You can email you CCMR advisory for an "Unofficial Copy of your transcript". We will print it and you can pick it up directly from a counselor.

Why can't I have an unofficial transcript simply emailed to me?

Your transcript has updated weighted rank and unweighted gpa. Updated rank needs to be a counselor face to face check in. We do not want students to realize that their rank dropped without a counselor present to ask questions to and assess mental health.

Fee Waiver Requests

What is a transcript?

A transcript is a 1 page list of every class you've taken, every grade, and every credit that you've earned in high school. It includes your contact information, ethnicity, GPA, Rank, Industry Certifications, and Endorsements.

What is a fee waiver?

Applying to college includes lots of fees. For ex- $30 per college application, $25 per SAT Score sent. The average student applies to 5-8 colleges. If you qualify, you can get fee waivers so you don't have to pay them.

What are the two types of fee waivers?

College application fee waivers and SAT/ACT fee waivers

How do I get a College Application fee waiver?

Come by and Gear Up or your CCMR Advisor for a college application fee waiver.

How do I get an SAT/ACT fee waiver?

Email Ms. Duran at to see if you qualify. If you qualify, Ms. Duran will send you a fee waiver code to send in your SAT/ACT scores to colleges.