My Teaching Career

I have been a teacher at Arroyo Grande High School for almost five years. I have enjoyed the many opportunities and lives that I have been able to educate and inspire. I look forward to continuing my career as an educator here at AGHS for many years!

Since I was a little kid, I always enjoyed hearing stories. As I got older, I discovered that History is just the story of the entire world. As I have learned more, my appreciation for life and humanity has also increased.

My passion for teaching developed during my years in college when I had the opportunity to teach my peers and high school students. While I loved History, getting to spark that interest and understanding in other became one of my greatest desires. I realized that there were many life and academic lessons that I wanted to pass onto the next generation. Learning from the life and experiences of those that came before us is a skill and lesson that I want to pass on to my students.