Student Perspectives

“Advisory allowed me to make friends and build a connection with a teacher. With this difficult school year, and being unable to do so much, I have looked forward to Advisory every week, to get that emotional support that I need from my advisory teacher, and other friends in my advisory class. Advisory allowed me to be able to build connections in quarantine.” (L.D. - 11th Grade)

“I could meet with my Advisory teacher when I needed help, they encouraged us to do better and be better, tried to keep us on track, and genuinely cared about how we’re doing.” (M.M. - 12th Grade)

“Advisory helped me find ways to manage stress and/or help think about my future and how to figure it out. It helped me relieve stress as well.” (E.C. - 10th)

“It was helpful having a class dedicated to making sure I was on track, and having a teacher constantly giving us resources was very helpful.” (L.L. - 12th Grade)

“Advisory has given me a safe environment where I can share what's happening to me at home, on campus, etc. I feel like I have built something of a miniature family in Advisory and have gotten to know people, who I have seen for years, a little better.” (C.D. - 10th Grade)

“Advisory helped me create a bond with students on a much more personal level, as that wasn't really possible in main classes. Not only that, but your connection to one singular teacher is much more strengthened.” (L.C. - 11th Grade)

“It’s helped me think about my future and really create a plan for myself.” (N.R. - 10th Grade)

“I learned how to deal with stressful stuff in a healthy way.” (O.P. - 11th Grade)

“Advisory helped me because my teacher always looked out for me when I was struggling.” (H.C. - 10th Grade)

“It informed me of life skills that I could infuse into my life, and it taught me many ways to improve my mindset and relieve stress.” (A.C. - 9th Grade)

“I liked the topics that talked about real life choices and who you are. I think those sort of things are very relatable for many high schoolers and I would like that sort of thing to continue if we continue to have advisory.” (E.T. - 10th Grade)

“I liked being able to check in with one of my teachers and ask questions when necessary. Being able to hear all of the announcements as opposed to just getting emails about them was also extremely useful.” (M.P. - 12th Grade)

“Advisory helped me by learning things that you wouldn't usually learn in the average classroom. It also helped me feel connected to what's going on besides academics. It was a great space to hear announcements and have fun.” (C.S. - 9th Grade)

“I really appreciated having a teacher that was basically there to answer some random questions, especially when we switched to in-person learning. And I also really valued having someone who could listen when I had a bad week and felt I needed help just managing, and my teacher was incredibly kind and thoughtful.” (E.Z. - 12th Grade)

“Advisory gave me a space to feel connected. It gave me a teacher to help me and guide me if I had any problems. It also helped me plan my future.” (E.B. - 10th Grade)

“It helped remind me of deadlines and important things I needed to be aware of for school. The different tips it provided for helping us to stay on top of work and to just help take care of ourselves really helped me do better for myself and for my classes.” (V.A. - 12th Grade)

***Quotes taken from a survey given to students in May of 2021