#Sketch break project

Pine Road and Murry Ave Schools have a challenge for you - please join your teachers in creating a small piece of artwork everyday!

I will post my creations here and on twitter- if your grown ups at home agree - ask them to send us pictures of your amazing work through twitter @Ms_Tara_Drissel #sketchbreakproject I would LOVE to see your hard work! Themes for each day can be found below along with a link to my twitter page. Keep creating friends!

March 22nd 2020, Healthy food still life.

My first graders actully made a bunch of healty food still lifes this year! we were inspired by painted by the artist Cezanne. I found one of the pictures of the magenta tables set up from letter day D and used it to draw my still life from so I could also draw in the art room in the background. 😊

March 21st 2022 - Charging my device

Students and teachers alike know Ms.D depends on this watch! I forgot it 3 days this school year and lost all track of time all day!

Art class is always too short!

March 20th - my pet real or imagined.

Here are two of my pets! Lila - the betta, and Snow -the dog if I have some time latter I will draw Dino - a stuffed animal well known to some of my pine road friends :)

I hoe you take a picture or try drawing your real and imagianry pets today!

Lila - the rainbow fish - she reflects the colors around her! :)

Snowball - You got a bonus drawing I only put one on twitter.

March 19th - Things I left at school...

I forgot a lot of stuff at school! Today I am missing my Camera and my Pine Road hoodie the most!

What did you forget at school? Draw a picture of it!

March 18th - Post Card to a Friend...

I wrote a message to my Pine Road friends today, I miss you all terribly! I made my post card by using an old printing plate and some watersoulble crayons ( they melt when they get wet! ) 4th graders, you can create another print at home with a strofoam plate (instead of the sheets I had) and a pencil just like we did in class - teach your familys at home how to make a marker print!

March 17th, 2020 Stuck at home snack

Bowl of fruit to start the day! And my #sketchbreakproject of the day. 1st graders know Cezanne would have liked this still life sketch! Try drawing or carefully photographing your snack at home!

March 16th 2020 - What I found outside...

I took a walk outside today and what I found at the park was some left over muddy footprints and a little squirrel running around. It was really nice sketch outside "En plein air" - as the French would say!

What did you find outside?