Reading Strategies

A Variety of Reading Strategies and Videos

Reading Strategy Videos

6 Reading Strategies - a Parody of Justin Bieber 's Boyfriend.mp4



Make Connections

Ask Questions



*Evaluate - Not in the video but very important!

*A Great Activity for Visualization is Listen and Sketch. Check the "Extra Support" Section for more information.

How Do You Visualize?

Well, use your five senses to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel about what the author is saying on the page. What do you see in your mind as you read the text?

How do you Predict?

Think about what the text is going to tell you. Use text clues and your background knowledge or schema. Try to figure what may happen next based on what you know. Finally, try to figure out what has not been directly stated or infer

How do you make connections?

Think about your background knowledge or what you already know about what you are reading. Connect the text to your life. Connect the text to another text you have read. Finally, who is the text related to your surrounding world.

How do you ask questions?

When a word, sentence, or an idea does not make sense to you, stop and reread carefully and ask a question about it, to yourself or another person.

How do you self-monitor?

Ask yourself, what do you understand about the text? What do you not understand about the text?

How do you summarize?

Ask yourself, what is the most important idea about the information you read? Put the information in order or classify or arrange it in a manner that helps you explain the main idea or topic.

How do you evaluate?

Ask yourself, what do you think about the text? What is your opinion about the text? How well did you understand the text? Try to determine the author's purpose? What you applied while you read, did it help what you read make sense? What could you do next time to help you better understand the text?