What is Second Step?

Second Step is a program rooted in social-emotional learning that focuses on supportive, successful learning environments to encourage children to thrive. We use this program here at school, and below are directions to access the program at home.

How To Calm Down.pdf
Problem Solving Steps.pdf
Skills For Learning.pdf

The Second Step Program teaches skills in the following four areas:

1. Skills for Learning: Students gain skills to help themselves learn, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, use self-talk to stay on task, and be assertive when asking for help with schoolwork.

2. Empathy: Students learn to identify and understand their own and others’ feelings. Students also learn how to take another’s perspective and how to show compassion.

3. Emotion Management: Students learn specific skills for calming down when experiencing strong feelings, such as anxiety or anger.

4. Problem Solving: Students learn a process for solving problems with others in a positive way.

Create an account and use Second Step at home!

Login Information for Second Step

  1. Go to

  2. Click on “Log In or Create An Account” in the upper right hand corner

  3. “Log in” OR click “Create Account” below the text box”

  4. Type in desired email address (not a student address) and click “Continue”

  5. Complete the following (NOTE: not all are required):

    1. Password

    2. Confirm Password

    3. Alternate email

    4. First Name

    5. Last Name

    6. Job Title (Parent/Student)

    7. Phone number

    8. Country

    9. State,

    10. City (of school) (ex. Gladwyne)

    11. School (ex. Gladwyne Elementary)

    12. Then the grade specific Activation Key below:


1st: SSP1 FAMI LY71

2nd: SSP2 FAMI LY72

3rd: SSP3 FAMI LY73

4th: SSP4 FAMI LY74

5th: SSP5 FAMI LY75

    1. Then click Submit.

Once in, click on “My Dashboard” and “Resources” OR “Streaming Lesson Media” under “SEL Program.”