Year 7 Digital Technology

In year 7, we look to engage our students with a variety of exciting topics. We pride ourselves on offering opportunities to develop students’ computational thinking, ability to apply and evaluate information technology to solve problems as well as gaining practical experience of writing computer programs. In the first year, students will use both visual and text-based programming languages, complete activities that model business practice and develop skills in animation and video editing.

We look to embed IT skills and routines and develop concepts of computing, computational thinking and problem solving by covering the following topics:

01:Introduction to the Network, Classroom and, Code of conduct

02: Code for Life homework introduction

03 Pupil Profile

04 Farming Technology

05: Hardware and Software

06: BBC Micro: Bit programming 1

07: Computational Spreadsheet

08: Survey and Database Design

09: Review of term 1 and Code for Life

10: Spreadsheet Modelling

11: Video Editing - Eisteddfod

12: Web Graphics - Fruit Face + Buttons

13: Hour of Code -

14: Spreadsheet Data Analysis

15: Introduction to Animation - Piskel

16: Animation using Wick editor

17: Hour of Code -

18: Review of term 2 and Code for Life

19: HTML Web Page Design

20: Interactive story writing

21: Audio creation - Band Lab

22: BBC Micro: Bit programming 2

23: Video editing:School tour

24: Thunkable App design

25: Review of term 3 and Code for Life