Student Expectations and Consequences

Student Conduct/Discipline

There are high expectations that everyone will show respect for each other, for themselves, for learning, and for the learning environment.  The goal of discipline at school is to help students to make better behavior choices. Middle school discipline is progressive:  The first time a poor behavior choice is made, the consequence is less harsh than the third or fourth time that the behavior recurs.   

Student behavior and actions are expected to be appropriate while on school property (or adjacent thereto) or at any school function off school property.  In addition, students must follow school rules on the school bus, as well as on their way to and from school or bus stop.  

School Board Policy/Discipline Sanctions

Lake Stevens School District Policy 5100.1 was adopted in order to provide a suitable learning environment, to maintain good student conduct and control, and to administer discipline on a fair and consistent basis. This policy establishes that corrective action will be taken for behavioral violations.

Potential Student Discipline Interventions

We are committed to providing a positive and orderly learning environment for everyone. As such, NLMS discipline is reasonable, consistent, and progressive. Students who don't change behavior in response to teacher, counseling, or administrative interventions (such as detention, behavior contracts, in or out of school suspension, or parent conferences, etc.) and continue to violate school rules may forfeit their right to attend NLMS. Furthermore, NLMS administrators are obligated and certified to consider a change in academic placement for students who consistently struggle to be successful in light of discipline, behavioral issues, or lack of academic progress in their current setting.

The following are definitions of some possible discipline interventions students may experience at NLMS:

Informal talk – Discussion between school adult and student and/or parent/legal guardian

Student Conference – Formal conference between school adult and student

Classroom Exclusion – Exclusion of a student from a classroom or instructional area/activity for behavioral violations that disrupt the educational process

Detention: Assignment of student to supervised study at lunch, before or after school.

Parent Contact: Telephone call to legal guardian

In-School Suspension: Temporary removal of student from regular classes for all or portion of their day

Short-term Suspension: Temporary removal of student from attending school and school activities. Short-term suspension can last for a maximum of ten (10) school days.

Long-term Suspension: Removal of the student from attending school and school activities. Long-term suspension can last a maximum of one (1) semester or 90 school days.

Expulsion: Denial of the student of the right to attend school and school activities for the length of an academic term (up to 90 days)

NOTE: If you are placed on out-of-school suspension by a school administrator, you may not attend school, participate in any school-sponsored activities, enter any school buildings, or be on school grounds during the time of the suspension.  

Hate Speech

Hate Speech is any speech that vilifies, humiliates, dehumanizes, and/or insults people based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability or disability, and/or religion. 

Lake Stevens School District does not condone any form of hate speech. Students will face appropriate consequences on the first offense. Hate speech in any form is not allowed at North Lake Middle School. We encourage students to report to a staff member immediately. 

Items Not Brought to School

Items Not Brought to School

Do not bring any items to school that might interrupt the teaching/learning process, that may cause injury to yourself or others, or that would be high theft items.  Such items include, but are not limited to, the following:

If you bring items to school that disrupt the teaching/learning process these items will be confiscated and held in the office until your caregiver comes to pick them up.  Consequences may be assigned for bringing these items to school.  If you bring items that pose a threat to the safety of yourself or others guidelines for behavioral violations will be followed. If you continue to bring such items to school, you will face additional consequences, including the possibility of having them confiscated for the rest of the year.


The Lake Stevens School District No. 4 has banned weapons and explosive devices from school grounds and district-sponsored events.  “Explosive devices” and “weapons” include, but are not limited to the following:

Possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon, as defined by law enacted by the legislature, is a serious offense that will result in the student’s emergency expulsion from school and notification of law enforcement, and the student’s parents or guardians.  If you are aware that another student is in possession of a weapon, notify a teacher, guidance counselor, or administrator immediately.  [LSSD Policy 5570 & RCW 9.41.280]

Authority of Staff/


During the school day, on school grounds, at school events that are held on or off of school grounds, in school buses, and at any time when students are under their supervision, teachers and staff have the authority to discipline any student for disruptive or disorderly conduct or other violations of the rules for student conduct.  As a middle school student, you must comply with reasonable requests of your teachers and other adult personnel.  Examples of non-compliance include refusing to identify yourself when asked to do so or refusing to report to the office as directed.  Failure to comply with reasonable requests and directions from teachers and other staff is a serious offense that will result in disciplinary action. 

Academic Non Performance/Non-Compliance

Improving academic performance requires effort and cooperation at all levels. Academic non-performance may include any of the following:

1. Failure to demonstrate consistent on-task behavior.

2. Failure to extend sufficient effort to progress in a subject matter.

3. Failure to bring needed materials to class each day.

4. Failure to attend school on a regular basis.

Disciplinary action may be taken for student academic non-performance.  


Fighting is not an acceptable way to solve problems you may be having with another student.  If you are angry or feel like you want to get into a fight, speak with your teacher or get a pass to go to the Counseling or Administrative offices.  It is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to avoid getting into a fight. Physical violence, intimidation, posturing, fighting, aiding/abetting a fight, being a bystander, recording, or cheering on a fight will not be tolerated on the campus of North Lake Middle School nor at any school-sponsored activity. Each situation will be investigated, treated as unique, and depending on the severity of the incident, may result in one or more of the following: short or long-term suspension, peer mediation, and/or a student safety plan. 

Inciting a Fight

If you encourage a fight between other students, spread rumors or call names that result in a fight, urge students to fight, or otherwise encourage or incite a fight, you share the responsibility for the resulting fight. As a result, you will face disciplinary action.

Gangs and Gang-Related Activities

Gangs and gang-related activities are prohibited because they contrary to the learning mission of the school, intimidate students, and create conditions that are detrimental to student learning.  Gang-related activities include, but are not limited to:

Theft/Stolen Property

LSSD schools will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. Theft reports will be accepted in the main office.  Students need to either keep valuables at home or be very cognizant of protecting their own equipment/supplies.  Law enforcement may be contacted regarding any student found to be in possession of stolen property.  When students exit the locker room, items should be locked up.


(“But we were just playing around!”):  The term “rough-housing” is used to describe “rough and boisterous physical play.”  Often, rough-housing occurs when students are “just playing around” – punching, pushing, bumping into each other as a form of play.  All too often, however, rough-housing ends up in a fight between the “playing” students when the playing stops being fun and turns into anger.  Additionally, other innocent students can get hurt while students are rough-housing.  School is not a place for rough-housing and playing around.  Consequently, rough-housing and “just playing around” are not permitted on campus.  In order to keep our school safe for all, you will face disciplinary action if you engage in rough-housing or “just playing around.” 


Willful copying of another paper or professional source with intent to present it as one's own work for use on classroom assignments or projects without prior approval from the instructor or without proper recognition of the original source (footnoting, quotation marks, etc.) constitutes a form of cheating and misconduct. Student will receive a zero on the assignment/test/project and be referred to administration.

Cumulative Violations

LSSD middle school discipline is reasonable, consistent, and progressive. Students who do not respond to counseling or detention, behavior or attendance contracts, timeout, in or out of school suspension, or parent conferences, and continue to violate school rules (or students who exhibit acute discipline problems) may face long term suspension or placement in an alternative learning environment.  We are committed to providing a positive and orderly learning environment for everyone. If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to a teacher, counselor, or administrator for clarification.  


Students making verbal and/or written threats of physical harm toward others may be subject to immediate emergency expulsion.  Administration will investigate the report, and threats will be taken seriously.  “Just joking,” is not an acceptable excuse. 

Lake Stevens School District uses SafeSchools Alert, a tip reporting system that allows students, staff and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration in four different ways:

Phone: (855) 200-5058 


Text: (855) 200-5058 


Substance Use and Abuse

The possession, use, and/or distribution of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol are forbidden on school grounds, in school buildings, on school buses, and at all school events regardless of whether they are held on or off school grounds.  Violation of any of these prohibitions is a serious matter that may result in suspension or expulsion from school, referral to the school’s Prevention Specialist and/or a social agency, and/or a referral to law enforcement authorities.  [LSSD Policy 6310]

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Any student suspected of being under the influence of, in possession of, or soliciting for use or sale of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol will face significant consequences up to and including possible long-term suspension from NLMS.

*The sale of, solicitation of, or distribution of an alcohol or drug substance may result in an emergency expulsion, which may lead to expulsion, from the Lake Stevens School District on the student’s first offense.

NOTE: Possessing drug paraphernalia will be treated the same as possession of alcohol and/or drugs.

Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices Policy

Like all public schools, we’re a tobacco/nicotine-free campus.  Possession or use of any tobacco, nicotine or delivery device products, or related paraphernalia is prohibited on or near school district property, on or near NLMS or at any school-sponsored events.  This shall include all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles such as school buses.

What counts as tobacco or nicotine products?  Tobacco and nicotine products and delivery devices include, but are not limited to:  cigarettes, cigars, snuff/chew, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, liquid nicotine, electronic smoking/vapor devices, “vapor pens,” non-prescribed inhalers, nicotine delivery devices or chemicals that are not FDA-approved to help people quit using tobacco, devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other smoking equipment, device, material, or innovation. (LSSD Board Policy NO 4505).

The use of any tobacco or nicotine products on school grounds is prohibited by State law.  Students are subject to discipline for violations of this policy.  The use of nicotine reduction therapies (NRTs) such as patches or gum requires medical documentation.

If you or someone you know is struggling to kick a nicotine or related habit, chat with any school adult and they’ll connect you with an Intervention Specialist.


A memorandum of understanding exists between the North Lake Middle School and the Lake Stevens Police Department. The following incidents will be reported to the police: fights, arson, assault, bomb threats, burglary, dangerous weapons violations, disturbances, explosives, extortion, harassment, blackmail, coercion, forgery, tampering with fire apparatus or alarms, theft, destruction of property, robbery, sale, use or possession of tobacco, alcohol, drug and/or criminal trespass. This list is not limited in scope.